DISH Table of Contents
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Section Two: Using Disability Services and Accommodations
Sign Language Interpreting and Real-Time Captioning Services
Sign language interpreters and real time captioners provide communication access for:
- classes and labs
- required class-related activities, such as field trips
- instructor conferences
- tutorial sessions
- appointments on campus for necessary college business
Effort is made to match interpreter style with student needs. Interpreters and captioners
follow the Code of Ethics. If you have questions or concerns on about how to use
an interpreter/captioner, ask the Deaf Services supervisor. If a problem develops
with your interpreter/captioner, or you have a concern about your services, tell the
Deaf Services supervisor as soon as possible. You can also talk to your DSS Counselor
or LD Specialist. If your interpreter or captioner has concerns, he/she may ask for
help from DHHS and/or the DSS office.
Students are asked to fill evaluation forms at the end of each quarter. These help
to improve the services.
Steps to arrange for Interpreters or Real Time Captioners
For classes and labs
- Register with your DSS Counselor or LD Specialist for classes, preferably during the priority registration period.
- Complete and Submit the online Request for Services (pink form)
- Read and sign the Student Responsibilities (pdf): Utilizing Interpreting/Captioning Services form.
For required out-of-class activities
- At least one week in advance of the out-of-class activity: Complete and Submit the online Request for Services (pink form)
For final exams
- Regular class interpreting/captioning services will end on the last scheduled class session before the final exam date unless arrangements have been made for services on final exam day.
- For final exam day services:
- At least 5 days before the final exam date,Complete and Submit the online Request for Services (pink form)
Interpreters and captioners will attend final exam sessions ONLY if these special arrangements have been made .
NOTE: For a campus activity that is not a class requirements, talk to the DHHS supervisor who will advise you on how to request services for other events.
Policy on Interpreting/Captioning Services
General Provisions
Interpreting and Captioning Services are provided to students:
- Who have completed the intake process, and
- Are officially enrolled in the class
Students should enroll in classes during the DSS priority registration period, or as early as possible.
- Interpreters and captioners are assigned in order of student registrations.
- The priority registration period dates are
- Emailed to students at their email address,
- Posted on the DSS Home page and in the DSS News and Announcements
- Posted in the DSS office in RSS 141
Effort is made to honor the student’s preference for communication method. However, when required, a comparable service or other alternatives may be offered to meet access needs.
Service delays may:
- Happen if a
- Student registers late (after the DSS priority registration period) even after the quarter begins
- Student changes class schedule after registration or during the quarter
- Last up to five (5) instructional days, even after the quarter begins
Service requests for out-of-class activities must be turned in to DHHS five (5) workdays ahead or may not be filled.
Changes in class schedule during the quarter should be reported to the DHHS supervisor.
- If not reported, absences in classes dropped or withdrawn from may count as student no-shows.
Late Policies
Interpreters/captioners Waiting Periods for students to arrive are as follows:
- 15 minutes for a one-hour class
- 20 minutes for a two-hour class
- 30 minutes for a class lasting three hours or more
Arriving late could mean missing important announcements at the beginning of class. It will be the student's responsibility to ask the instructor what information was missed. If DHHS is not contacted ahead of the class meeting time the service provider will leave after the Waiting Period and a “no show” may be recorded.
Notification requirements for students who will be late:
- Let DHHS know by email at
If a service provider has not arrived after ten minutes,
- Write a short explanation to the teacher and
- Inform DHHS
- By email
- By coming to the DHHS offices in LCW 110 (see map).
- DHHS will assign a substitute if possible.
Student Responsibilities & Notification Requirement Policies
NOTE: Interpreters and captioners are professionals who commit their time to the hours they are scheduled.
Students are required to notify DHHS when they will miss class.
- Contact the DHHS supervisor by one of the following methods:
- Email:
- DHHS (V): 408.864.8755
- Drop a note at DHHS in LCW 110 or the DSS reception office in RSS 141 – see map
- Absence Notification
- Planned Absences: Students who plan to be absent for class for any reason should inform DHHS as soon as they have decided not to attend.
- Unplanned Absences: Contact the DHHS supervisor as soon as possible, preferably before the class meeting.
- First Day of Quarter Absences: Inform DHHS prior to the start time for the class or the interpreter/captioner may be transferred to another class.
No Show Penalties
If you are absent without notification, the absence will be counted as a “no show.”
Consequences of No-Shows
- 1st No-Show
- Student receives a written reminder of the notification requirements from DHHS.
- 2nd No-Show
- The student receives a written notice and needs to meet with the DSS counselor or LD Specialist on the day and time shown on the second notice.
- 3rd No-Show:
- The student will be informed, in writing, of suspension of service and will be required to scheduled to meet with the Dean of the DSPS Division to further discuss and clarify DSPS expectations.
- 4th No-Show:
- The student's services are terminated for the remainder of the quarter. If the student wants to reinstate services or appeal the suspension, they should review the Suspension of Services process, FHDA District Board - Administrative Procedure AP-5076.