Section One: Coming to De Anza College
How to Use this Handbook
This Handbook was written to help you learn how to become an:
- Effective advocate for yourself, and
- An informed consumer of the educational and disability services
To get started, here are two major requirements students need for success in college:
- Critically evaluate your educational needs (disability-related or not), and
- Determine how to get those needs met
These are accomplished by:
- Developing self-understanding, communication and day-to-day management skills,
- Learning about the services, accommodations and programs available to you, and
- Learning the guidelines and procedures to use services effectively
We hope this Handbook will help you with these processes.
Begin by reading the DISH Table of Contents to see the topics and information covered.
Pay particular attention to Section Two: Using Disability Services and Accommodations.
This section contains essential information on how you as a student with a disability
can receive the academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, and services you need to be
on equal footing with the other students in the classroom. It details the steps to
receive services and the guidelines governing their use. It also advises you how you
can resolve and handle disagreements and conflicts.
Use Section Four: Success Strategies, to increase critical student skills and compensation strategies.
Familiarize yourself with the Emergency Procedures listed in Section Five: Campus and Community Life. These will be critical in the event that the campus must ever be evacuated.
Print relevant pages of this Handbook and keep them readily available for review during
your time at De Anza College.
You will find some duplication of information in different sections. This is done
to ensure that you have all the facts you need.
If anything is unclear, ask your Disability Support Programs and Services counselor.
They are here to help you successfully chart and navigate your educational course.
If necessary, they can clarify the guidelines and the Handbook information that you
will be held responsible for knowing in order to use services.