Section Two: Using Disability Services and Accommodations

Counseling Services

Accommodation Consultation

Disability Support Services (DSS) Counselors and LD Specialists understand the impact that disability has on learning and overall well-being.  Since each disability is unique, they are familiar with a wide range of disability-related educational limitations.  DSS Counselors and LD Specialists can recommend and provide accommodations, disability management, and academic support.  The ultimate goal is to provide strategies that help promote academic and personal success in order to promote equitable learning experiences. 

During the Intake Meeting the DSS Counselor or LD Specialist:

  • Review and discuss impact of disability on student's overall functioning, including academic and personal well-being
  • Discuss and recommend accommodations and auxiliary aides
  • identify with student areas Identify academic goals and th??
  • Discuss and recommend e course patterns to achieve them
  • Develop and implement an individualized list of accommodations and services that: 
  • Are appropriate to the goals
  • Address specific educational limitations
  • Monitor academic progress
  • Identify additional on- or off-campus resources
  • Establish and monitor an individual Academic Accommodation Plan (AAP)
  • Adjust goals or accommodations, as needed

The DSS Counselor or LD Specialist can also help students who need assistance with how to explain their needs to instructors and can consult with students and instructors about accommodation requirements and options, if necessary.

If a student encounters a perceived barrier to participation in a college program, students should bring this concern to their DSS Counselor or LD Specialist's attention.  It may be that the college has addressed the issue and with additional information, the student finds the issue is resolved.

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DISH Table of Contents

- (Quick Links)

Section One: Coming to De Anza College

Section Two: Using Disability Services and Accommodations

General / College-Wide Accommodations and Services

Instructional / Classroom Accommodations and Services:

Alternate Media Services:

Deaf or Hard of Hearing Services:

Legal Aspects

Concerns and Complaints

Section Three: Disability Support Programs & Services Instruction

Section Four: Success Strategies

Section Five: Campus and Community Life

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