Section Two: Using Disability Services and Accommodations

First Approach to Resolving Problems

The First Approach to Resolving Problems

If a problem arises during your period of attendance at De Anza College, there are various avenues for recourse. 

Experience has shown that using good human relations principles, communication skills and problem-solving techniques means that often parties can resolve disagreements without having to initiate a formalized complaint procedure.  While these procedures may sometimes be necessary, it is important to recognize that they can also be time consuming, and potentially trying and costly.

When misunderstandings or miscues in communication are not identified, problems may then unnecessarily escalate.  Promptly dealing with an issue in a calm and open way provides everyone an opportunity to clarify and resolve the problem.

DSPS staff members at De Anza are receptive to hearing student concerns and helping to mediate in the belief that by doing so solutions can be found that are satisfactory to all parties and energies can be focused back on educational objectives.  Students are encouraged to contact their DSS Counselor or LD Specialist for this assistance.

If this first approach does not work, then all official procedures, as outlined later in this section, are available and at the disposal of the student. These include internal college processes, both informal and formal, and external options.

At any point (as appropriate), students may: 

  • Initiate an official College Grievance or
  • Initiate the District Procedure to Resolve Complaints Regarding Harassment and Discrimination, or
  • Contact the Office for Civil Right in San Francisco. 

See the DISH Section Two: Concerns and Complaints, "Student Complaints & Resolution Process," for more information and contacts. 

The College endorses making a good faith, collaborative effort to resolve differences, if possible.  Here are some suggestions to do so.

A Problem-Solving Strategy

  1. Speak first to the person involved.
    • Present your concern. 
    • Explore any potential alternative solutions.
    • If you want help to formulate an approach, see your DSS Counselor or LD Specialist.
  2. If a mutually satisfactory solution is not reached, the proper channel is to talk to the administrator directly responsible (see below, “Who to Contact for Assistance”).
    • With this approach, your concern can then be raised to a higher level supervisor or administrator which may then result in a satisfactory outcome.
    • If you are unsure about who to see or how to proceed, meet with your DSS Counselor or LD Specialist.
  3. If the matter is not resolved after employing these steps, you will be advised about how to proceed through an official complaint process, as described in the next DISH section,  "Student Complaints & Resolution Process"

Who to Contact for Assistance

 If the issue involves or concerns an instructor or college staff member:

  • Contact the appropriate supervisor or administrator who will be one of the following:
    • Supervisor of the specific college service or program, or
    • Faculty Department Chair of the academic area or, 
    • Dean of the Division

If the issue involves or concerns a DSPS employee or DSPS program policy, guideline, or action:


Return to DISH Table of Contents

DISH Table of Contents

- (Quick Links)

Section One: Coming to De Anza College

Section Two: Using Disability Services and Accommodations

General / College-Wide Accommodations and Services

Instructional / Classroom Accommodations and Services:

Alternate Media Services:

Deaf or Hard of Hearing Services:

Legal Aspects

Concerns and Complaints

Section Three: Disability Support Programs & Services Instruction

Section Four: Success Strategies

Section Five: Campus and Community Life

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