General Meeting Information

Date: May 6, 2024
Time: 11am to 12pm
Location: MLC 255

This meeting will be held HyFlex, meaning anyone can participate in-person or online.  To join remotely, see the Zoom information at the bottom of this page

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    11:00-11:05 Welcome and Approval of Agenda I/D/A Capurso & Nocito
    11:05-11:10 Public Comment I All
    11:10-11:20 Introduction of Committee Members I/D Capurso
    11:20-11:25 Brown Act and Attendance Policy I/D Capurso
    11:25-11:35 COOL Charge I/D Capurso
    11:35-11:50 Online and Hybrid Form Approval Process I/D Nocito
    11:50-11:55 Introduce OAT I/D Capurso & Nocito
    11:55-12:00 Good of the Order I All
    12:00 Adjournment    

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes


    After learning how to use Zoom for the first time, James Capurso welcomed everyone to the first COOL meeting!

    Approve Agenda

    The agenda was approved unanimously.

    No Public Comment

    Introduction of Committee Members

    Members of COOL introduced themselves and stated why they joined the committee. Guests Cheryl Chapman and Shawn Valcarcel also introduced themselves to the group.

    Brown Act and Attendance Policy

    James Capurso talked about how the Brown Act affects the attendance policy for the committee. The committee was set up to match De Anza Academic Senate's policy regarding attendance, which can be viewed on their website

    COOL Charge

    James Capurso went over the mission and charge of the committee. There was discussion about some of the open seats and different goals of the group. 

    Online and Hybrid Review Process

    Gabriela Nocito shared how the process currently work with online and hybrid form approval. Gaby shared an example of what the process looks like in eLumen and how to read through the forms. Discussion continued as to how this process will be changed with the committee in place and what options there are to enhance this process in the future. This will be brought back at a future meeting after Gaby meets with the curriculum office. 

    Introduce OAT

    James Capurso briefly introduced the Online Advisory Team (OAT) as a second committee run by online ed. This will be more of a technology focused committee and a subcommittee of the Tech Committee. 

    No Good of the Order

    Meeting Adjourned at 12:03pm. 

Documents and Links

Zoom Link for the Meeting

Member   Remote Location   In District?  
Lianna Wong SC 1230, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014 Yes
Shagun Kaur 22455 Palm Avenue Cupertino 95014 Yes
Ivan Kojnok
Attended Remotely
Steve Nava 327 Washington St, San Jose, CA 95112 No

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