Welcome New Online Students!
If you've just registered for an online class, you may be wondering what happens next. The guide below will help you.
Confirm Registration & Course Start Date
The term dates for online courses are the same as the term dates for our face-to-face courses. However, some of our online courses are 6-weeks rather than 12 and start later in the quarter. You can confirm your registration and the start date for your class in MyPortal under the Student tab.
Instructor Contact & Syllabus
Before the term begins your instructor will email you the information about accessing the Canvas course. The course will usually be published between the Friday before the quarter begins to Monday, the first day of the quarter. This access is at the descretion of your instructor.
If you do not have access to your online course by noon on the first day of the quarter, please contact onlineeducation@deanza.edu
Your instructor may email the syllabus before you have access to Canvas. Read the syllabus thoroughly especially the Student Learning Outcomes for the course. There are also important policies and guidelines regarding participation, grading, interactions, assignments, quizzes and exams. Make note of these policies as each course may have different policies and guidelines.
How to Access Canvas
Be prepared for your first day of the term by having the correct software for Canvas. Canvas supports the current and first previous major releases of web browsers (Internet Explorer is no longer supported). Always use the most current version of your browser, and it is recommended to use Chrome or Firefox.
Please check your browser using the Canvas Computer Requirements Guide.
To access Canvas from MyPortal or the Canvas link found in the top menu bar of the De Anza College website.
Explore our Canvas Resource Library
Our Canvas Resource Library is a public course available in the Help Menu in Canvas that you can access. You can learn more about how to be successful in your online classes and experiment with different tools in Canvas by visiting our Sample Canvas Course.
Important Note for Zoom Users
Students can use the Zoom app to join class meetings, or join through your web browser. Always update the Zoom app installed on your computer or mobile device, when prompted.
If you are unable to update your Zoom app immediately, join through the web browser and update your Zoom app as soon as possible.
New to Canvas?
Canvas provides an online environment with tools for accessing course content, assignments, discussions and exams, depending on what your instructors choose to use. You will need a modern computer with updated an Web browser (Chrome is highly recommended) and an Internet connection.
There's also a Canvas student app that allows many but not all Canvas features to be accessed. There are step-by-step Canvas Student Guides that show you how to perform common tasks in Canvas, from changing your profile to submitting an assignment.
New to Zoom?
Zoom is Web conferencing software that allows you to meet as a class or individually with your teacher over the Internet. Meetings are sometimes recorded and available for later viewing.
Within Canvas: Some instructors will direct you to access Zoom meetings from within your Canvas course. Look in the course navigation menu on the left for Zoom.
Outside of Canvas: Your teacher may send a link for a Zoom meeting to you through email. When you click the Zoom link you may be prompted to download the Zoom application. Read the Zoom quick-start guide for students (outside of Canvas) for instructions
Tech Support
You can get technical help with Canvas, Zoom, MyPortal and other software or online learning tools by contacting the college Library. Use the form on the Library's Technology Lending and Support webpage.