June 6 - AAA Student Achievement Ceremony

APASA/ASAM/AANAPISI Student Achievement Ceremony on Thursday June 6, 2024!

We will announce our APASA and AANAPISI scholarship recipients as well as celebrate our Asian American Studies Certificate recipients.

For more information, contact teppangnoemi@fhda.edu


Founded in 1990, the Asian Pacific American Staff Association (APASA) is an organization for De Anza College employees of Asian/Pacific American (A/PA) heritage and other interested staff members who support the goals of the organization.

2023-24 Executive Board 

Noemi Teppang, APASA Faculty Co-Chair

(vacant), APASA Classified Co-Chair

(vacant), APASA Secretary

Trisha Tran, APASA Treasurer


Subscribe to APASA e-News to receive periodic e-mail about the organization's happenings including but not limited to events, meetings, and campus/community activities.


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