Become an SSC Tutor

two students using a computerThe Student Success Center is the largest employer of students at De Anza. Working as a tutor is a great experience: you improve your communication skills, deepen your understanding of the subject you tutor, have fun and make great friends, and earn money in the process.

Interested? Please complete an application below for the SSC area where you would like to tutor.

Are you eligible to be employed as an SSC Peer Tutor?

  • For Foothill and De Anza enrolled students, your main campus is De Anza
  • For non-Federal Work Study students, you are registered full-time (12 or more units combined at Foothill-De Anza), or you are registered with Disability Support Services and are enrolled in 6 or more units or have meet your full-time equivalency accommodation
  • For Federal Work-Study or CalWorks students, you meet the Federal requirement of registering for 6 or more units
  • You earned grades of "B" or better for subjects you wish to tutor
  • You can receive a faculty recommendation from a De Anza instructor in a subject you wish to tutor
  • Your cumulative GPA is 3.0 or more
  • Your have less than 180 attempted units on your transcript

If hired, are you willing to make a commitment to tutoring?

  • You can commit to enrolling in the area's Learning Assistance (LRNA) tutor training course during your first quarter of employment
  • New GenSub and LSC tutors enroll in LRNA 96 (F 10:30am-12:20pm starting week 3 for six classes)
  • New MSTRC tutors enroll in LRNA 98 (F 1:30-3:40pm starting week 3 for five classes)
  • New WRC tutors enroll in LRNA 97 (Th 4-5:50pm starting week 1 for the duration of the quarter)
  • You can commit to working in-person Monday through Thursday
  • You can commit to the minimum required hours of tutoring per week; most areas require a minimum of eight hours of work per week (can vary)
  • You can commit to on-going training and meetings

If you meet the above requirements, we invite you to apply to become a tutor!

Student Employment

  • New SSC tutors are hired as Student Assistant II at $21.62/hour.
  • All tutoring positions are peer student employment jobs. Community (non-student) volunteers are always welcome!
  • For details on current pay rates and student employment policies and procedures visit Financial Aid Student Jobs.

Hiring Process

  • SSC Peer Tutoring positions are quite competitive and we receive hundreds of applications each year.
  • If you are not contacted by an area's coordinator, this means you were not selected for an interview. We encourage you to update your application as you complete courses that we support, so you can be more competitive for the position.
  • We do keep all applications on file for future opportunities.

Apply to Become a De Anza Tutor

Please complete the application for the area(s) you are applying for and ask an appropriate instructor to complete a letter of recommendation:

If You Are Hired as a Tutor


For additional questions or to update your application, please email the appropriate area:

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