General Meeting Information

Date: March 11, 2025
Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Location: Zoom (see below for information)

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    2:00 PM

    Welcome and Introductions


    2:02 PM

    Approval of Agenda


    2:04 PM

    Present 2022-2027 Equity Plan Progress Form


    • Armstrong
    • Garcia
    2:35 PM
    • Leadership Reports
    • General Updates, Announcements, and News
      • FHDA Classified Professional Development Day
      • Caring Campus
      • Medical Center
      • ...



    2:50 PM




    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes [DRAFT]

    Meeting Notes

    President, Dennis Shannakian called the meeting to order at 2:07 PM on March 11, 2025. The past two meetings' minutes and the current meeting agenda were approved by unanimous vote.

    Adriana added to the agenda a reminder of a previously passed resolution "classified senate supports students". She desired to read it and confirm the senate's commitment. Permission to do so was granted. Adriana read it out loud to the group and said with the lack of federal support for DEI, redoubling classified staff's commitment to students was important. There was some discussion about updating it to cover more disadvantaged student groups. Debee agreed to help work on that update.

    Next, the equity progress report form was displayed while Debee and Adriana explained the necessity of tracking campus equity efforts, both for internal reports and external reports required for state funding. This form's purpose is to enable constituents to easily fill in information about their particular department's DEI-oriented activities.

    Dennis had some feedback on improving the form.

    Debee reported on academic senate describing their discussion over the campus sanctuary resolution that classified senate had already passed. It was also ultimately passed by academic senate.

    Lisa Ly reported on the budget advisory council by entering a link to its minutes in the chat.

    Dennis also reported on the medical center update which was covered in previous meeting notes. He added President Tores collected input from the biological sciences division on language to be included in the non-binding letter of intent between the county and the FHDA district. Its purpose is to further clarify the internships the medical center could provide for FHDA students because it has so far been unclear. In answering questions, he said licensing requirements are strict about the places where students are able to intern to receive credit.

    He also answered a question about why the FHDA board intends to support the medical center saying they feel it falls in to the basic needs framework. There was some discussion about the medical center and staff concerns that is will benefit students only minimally.

    Classified elections are coming soon as reported by Margarita, and a form will be emailed to staff next week.

    Adriana announced office of equity upcoming events and training.

    The meeting adjourned at 2:48 PM.

    Links In The Chat

Zoom Information

  • Meeting ID: 868 5864 5754
  • Passcode: 283681
  • Meeting URL:
  • Link: Click Here for the Zoom Meeting

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