General Meeting Information

Date: February 25, 2025
Time: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Location: Zoom (see below for information)

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    2:00 PM

    Welcome and Introductions


    2:02 PM

    Approval of Agenda


    2:04 PM

    Sanctuary District Resolution


    2:24 PM

    Medical Center Update



    2:34 PM

    Classified Professional Appreciation Week



    2:35 PM
    • Leadership Reports
    • General Updates, Announcements, and News
      • FHDA Classified Professional Development Day
      • Caring Campus



    2:45 PM




    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    Meeting Notes

    President Dennis Shannakian called the classified senate meeting to order a few minutes after 2 PM. The meeting took place on zoom on February 24, 2025. Secretary, Debee Armstrong was not present and took these notes from the meeting recording.

    There was some discussion about whether to let AI note-takers in to the meeting. Apparently most of them went away after being in the waiting room for a while.
    The current meeting agenda was approved by unanimous vote.

    Shaila Ramos-GarcĂ­a presented a resolution to make Foothill-DeAnza a sanctuary district . She and interested students have worked on this resolution for two years and plan to put it on the district board agenda for March 10. She requested classified senate vote to adopt this resolution.
    There was discussion about the proposed resolution mostly regarding some of its language and the need to amplify and provide evidence for some of its claims.

    Adriana commented in summary: "our students and colleagues deserve a safe space to work and study at free of intimidation by ICE". The sanctuary resolution passed with a unanimous vote.
    Dennis reported on a recent medical center update meeting. He said the county plans to fund all construction costs including cleanup. Nothing is yet confirmed because the county is still seeking funding. A non-binding "letter of intent/interest" will be presented to the FHDA board in April or May describing the mutual agreement between Santa Clara County and FHDA to build this center. This letter of interest is expected to be approved by the FHDA board. Some solar panels will be relocated and others added, more EV chargers installed and the plans include building a new parking structure, also financed by the county. The FHDA board feels this would offer more internships for students although some disenting opinions exist. The district is eager for this clinic to better serve the basic needs of students. The county will lease the space from FHDA for $1 per year. 

    The plan is to locate it in the corner of parking lot B overlapping parking lot A. Dennis said the campus community would prefer it be located nearer parking lot C so patients could go directly to the clinic when arriving on campus, as this would be less disruptive.

    There was some discussion about the proposed medical center after Dennis gave his report. Dennis also said the construction for Measure G would be completed before any work on the medical center would begin.

    Adriana reported on planning for professional development day to be held May 19. She said a form for workshops would be going out soon. Dining services is unable to provide catering so an outside vendor is being sought.

    There was discussion about having the ice cream social, classified breakfast and elections during classified appreciation week.

    It was announced that outreach is helping students with priority registration. Vins Chacko announced he was moving to another job. Everyone wished him well.

    Dennis posted the link to the student agendas and reminded senators to tell the students they serve about it.

    Several upcoming events were announce. The meeting adjourned a few minutes after 3 PM.

    Links in chat

Zoom Information

  • Meeting ID: 868 5864 5754
  • Passcode: 283681
  • Meeting URL:
  • Link: Click Here for the Zoom Meeting

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