General Meeting Information
Date: March 13,
Time: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Location: Student Council Chambers (SCC) and Zoom
Zoom Information
- Meeting ID: 892 8130 5621
- Passcode: 537223
- URL:
- Link: Click Here for the Zoom Meeting
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 4:00 PM Call to Order A Wadi Lin Lei 4:01 PM Roll Call A Wadi Lin Lei 4:02 PM Public Comments
Please Note: This segment of the meeting is reserved for members of the public to address the DASG Administration Committee on the topic/issue for which this meeting was scheduled. No comment on any other topic/issue will be permitted. A time limit of two (2) minutes per speaker shall be observed. The law does not permit any action to be taken, nor extended discussion of any items not on the agenda. The DASG Administration Committee may briefly respond to statements made or questions posed. (California Government Code §54954.3).
I All 4:07 PM Advisor Announcements I Advisors 4:12 PM Committee Announcements I Committee Members 4:17 PM Business Item 1
DASG Election Complaints
This item is to review any Complaints filed for the 2025-2026 DASG Executive Officer General Election and determine their validity and what action to take regarding them.
60 minutes
I/D/A Wadi Lin Lei 5:17 PM Business Item 2
DASG Election Expense Reports
This item is to review candidates' expense reports and determine if any action needs to be taken for any of them for the 2025-2026 DASG Executive Officer General Election.
20 minutes
I/D/A Dennis Shannakian 5:37 PM Business Item 3
DASG Election Certification
This item is to certify whether the 2025-2026 DASG Executive Officer General Election is complete in whole or in part and that the results may be released barring any appeals or extensions.*
10 minutes
*It has already been determined that there must be an extension for the 2025-2026 DASG Chair of Environmental Sustainability Position due to no candidates having the minimum number of votes required to be elected.
I/D/A Wadi Lin Lei 5:47 PM Public Comments
Please Note: This segment of the meeting is reserved for members of the public to address the DASG Administration Committee on the topic/issue for which this meeting was scheduled. No comment on any other topic/issue will be permitted. A time limit of two (2) minutes per speaker shall be observed. The law does not permit any action to be taken, nor extended discussion of any items not on the agenda. The DASG Administration Committee may briefly respond to statements made or questions posed. (California Government Code §54954.3).
I All 5:52 PM Advisor Announcements I Advisors 5:57 PM Committee Announcements I Committee Members 6:02 PM Adjournment A Wadi Lin Lei A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Minutes [DRAFT]
Call To Order:
- Wadi called this meeting to order at 4:11 pm
Roll Call:
- Wadi Present
- Tracy present
- Yinwa Present
Public Comments
- Public Comments were made
Advisor Announcements
- Announcements made
Committee Announcements
- N/A
Business Item 1
- Kavi and Naim's complaints (3)
- Went over the complaints and then went into the discussion
- Complainants made comments
- Motion to disqualify candidates Kavi Kumaresan and Naim Pichori from the Elections made by Wadi, seconded by Tracy
- Voting
- Wadi- yes
- Tracy- yes
- Yinwa- yes
- Motion passed
- Went over the complaints and then went into the discussion
- Coalition group Elevate's complaint forms (Aroush Fatima, Varshi Patcha, Lakshya Saini,
Kunishka Mudada, Shreyas Menon)
- Went over the complaints and then went into the discussion
- Complainants made comments
- Complainants Kathleen and Nixon were absent, Shihya (present left late)
- Time extended by 30 minutes
- Motioned by Yinwa
- Seconded by Tracy
- Time extended by 15 minutes
- Motioned by Yinwa
- Seconded by Tracy
- Went over the complaints and then went into the discussion
- Motion to pass the verdict done by Adminisration Committee to coalition group Elevate
by Wadi, seconded by Yinwa
- Verdict- withhold election reimbursement by 50%, write a 3-page essay on a topic decided by the Administration Committee & Advisors, finish 40 hours of community service before affirming to office.
- Yinwa - yes
- Wadi - yes
- Tracy - no
- Motion passed
Time 3 hours
Business Item 2
- Jordan Nguyen - sent expense report form 3/10/2025 at 18:39
- Atharva Salkar - Campaigned online, no expense, verbal confirmation
- Tracy motioned to disqualify Bon Hitke, Kyle Krawez, Maxwell Ou, Noah Tijerina, Teymur Khanlarov
- Gone over the social media/class presentations requirement
Time 30 minutes
Business Item 3
- Certified the completion of the DASG 2025-2026 General Executive Elections.
- Only Environmental Sustainability will have a runoff due to not meeting the required percentage.
- Elections results will be available Friday 03/14
Public Comments
- Comments were made
Advisor Announcements
- Announcements were made
Commiteee Announcements
- N/A
- Wadi adjourned this meeting at 8:31 pm