General Meeting Information
Date: November 6,
Time: 12.30 - 13.30 PM
Location: DASG Lounge
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 12:30 PM Call to Order I - Aura Ozturk
12:31 PM Roll Call I/D - Aura Ozturk
12:32 PM Approval of Minutes
- October 30, 2024
I/D/A - Aura Ozturk
12:33 PM Public Comments
I/D - All
12:35 PM Advisor Announcements
I - Advisors
12:37 PM Shared Governance Reports
I - Senators
12:39 PM Business Item 1
this item is to receive updates on group's progress and provide feedback and critcism
time: 10 minutes
I/D - All
12:49 PM Business Item 2
Resolution Projects Ideas and Problems
this item is to discuss problems the interns are interested in writing a resolution about and assign projects based on their interest.
time: 10 minutes
I/D - All
12:59 PM Business Item 3
New Project - Partnering with the District Foundation to create point-of-contact with various organizations
this item is to propose the new project where the interns will work with third party organizations to encourage the organizations' employees to donate to the district foundation
time: 10 minutes
I/D - Eddie Nam
13:09 PM Business Item 4
General Election outreach/marketing
this item is to discuss the outreach and marketing regards the general elections
time: 10 minutes
I/D - Wadi Lin Lei
13:19 PM Introduction and Approval of Prospective Interns
I/D - Prospective Interns
13:22 PM Public Comments
I/D - All
13:24 PM Adjournment
- Aura Ozturk
A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Call to Order
- Aura called the meeting to order at 12.30 pm.
Roll Call
- Aura - present
- Wadi - present
- Eddie - present
Approval of minutes
- Approved by Eddie, seconded by Wadi
Public comments
- public comments were made
Advisor announcements
- none
Shared governance reports
- Art on Campus by Wadi - reports were made
Business Item 1:
- Aura announced that the agreement is done, and she will send out emails to the places that are interested
- Time: 4 minutes
Business Item 2:
Discussion and brain storming happened (hopper resolution, informatic access, housing, free tuition)
- time: 42 minutes
Business item 3:
- motion made by Eddie to table it indefinitely. seconded by Wadi.
- time: 1 minutes
Business item 4:
- Wadi talked about how to market and outreach the general elections better
- time: 8 minutes
Introduction and Approval of Prospective Interns
- Souad Ahmed - 2nd Meeting
- Emma Nguyen - 2n Meeting
Public comments
- none
- Aura adjourned the meeting at 1.30 pm