About the DASG, A Little History

When De Anza Associated Student Body was founded in 1967, it had its work cut out for it. In 1967, the student center was not yet built, so the DASB Senate had to meet in the gym until the the center was finished during the second semester.

DASB was initially seeded with funds from the Associated Students of Foothill College. These funds allowed the DASB to establish its first budget. The DASB's first tasks in 1967 were to create a constitution for the organization, and to create clubs for De Anza. According to the first DASB president, Marshal Mitzman, one of the biggest issues the school faces that year was to try to get signs that said "De Anza College Next Exit" placed on major highways. Students went to Sacramento to lobby the state to place these signs. In that first year the DASB took a trip to San Francisco to the Buyer Mart to select all of the furniture for the campus center.

Other Senate projects in the past include:

  • Funding the original Lifetime Wellness Center equipment
  • Provide seed funding for a the Kirsch Center for Environmental Studies
  • Provide seed funding for a the Visual and Performing Arts Center (VPAC)
  • Organize a Thanksgiving lunch for students

History research courtesy of Corey Reese (DASB Senator, 2002-2003)

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