De Anza College is committed to excellence in the pursuit of learning and academic achievement by its students. To further this goal, the college is committed to providing academic standards that are fair and equitable to all students in an atmosphere that fosters integrity on the part of student, staff and faculty alike.

The student’s responsibility is to perform to the best of their potential in all academic endeavors. This responsibility also includes abiding by the rules and regulations set forth by individual faculty members related to preparation and completion of assignments and examinations. The submission of work that is not the product of a student’s personal effort, or work which in some way circumvents the given rules and regulations, will not be tolerated. It is the responsibility of the faculty to clearly define the requirements and rules applicable to their courses for all students.

Section 76130 of the state Education Code says in part:

The following types of misconduct for which students are subject to disciplinary sanction apply at all times on campus as well as to any off-campus functions sponsored or supervised by the college: cheating, plagiarism or knowingly furnishing false information in the classroom or to a college officer.

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