Academic freedom encompasses the freedom to study, teach and express ideas and viewpoints, including unpopular and controversial ones, without censorship, political restraint or retribution.

Academic freedom allows for the free exchange of ideas in the conscientious pursuit of truth. This freedom exists in all service areas, including but not limited to teaching, librarianship, counseling, coordinating and all faculty-student interactions.

Academic freedom is the bedrock principle of all institutions of learning and must be extended to all faculty regardless of their status as full-time, part-time, or probationary.

Faculty members have the principal right and responsibility to determine the content, pedagogy, methods of instruction, the selection, planning and presentation of course materials, and the fair and equitable methods of assessment in their assignment in accordance with the approved curriculum and course outline and the educational mission of the Foothill-De Anza district, and in accordance with state laws and regulations. These rights and responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the faculty member’s choice of textbooks and other course materials, assignments and assessment methods, teaching practices, grading and evaluation of student work, and teaching methods and practices.

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