We Can Help!
Office of Outreach counselors offer academic counseling services for
- Students participating in the De Anza College Promise
- Students in the Men of Color Community and Rising Scholars
- New students in their first or second quarter at De Anza, if you're not in a program with its own counselors
- For general questions about enrollment or the De Anza College Promise, please send an email to outreach@deanza.edu or call 408.864.8327
(Current students: Please include your 8-digit CWID when you email us, so we can respond more quickly.)
Are You a Continuing or Returning Student?
If you have attended De Anza for more than two quarters, and you're not participating in the De Anza College Promise, Men of Color or another Learning Community with its own counselors, you should contact the General Counseling Center to see a counselor there. You can also find a directory for counselors in other programs at deanza.edu/our-counselors
Our counselors can assist you with
- Choosing classes to reach your academic goal, such as earning a degree or certificate or transferring to a university
- Creating an educational plan
- Finding resources on campus, such as tutoring or other academic assistance
- Exploring career options
- And more!
New Students
We recommend that you complete orientation before you make an appointment with a counselor. The orientation will answer many of your initial questions about classes, registration and related topics. It's also a requirement for priority registration.
F-1 Visa Students
Students planning to attend on an F-1 visa should contact the Office of International Student Programs. They will have the best information for you.
Registration Questions
For questions about the registration system or student records, please contact the Office of Admissions and Records.
Speak With an Outreach Counselor
Please note that drop-in sessions are for brief questions only. If you need help with the following, please schedule an appointment:
- Financial aid extensions
- Comprehensive education plans
- Transfer Agreement Guarantee (TAG) applications
Drop-In Sessions
(10 minutes, no appointment needed)
You can drop in without an appointment – in person or on Zoom – during these hours.
Finals Week
- Monday-Friday, March 24-28: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. – in person and on Zoom
Spring Break
- Monday-Thursday, March 31-April 3: 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. – in person and on Zoom
- Friday, April 4: no counseling available
How to Drop In on Zoom:
Click the yellow "drop-in" button to log in through the eSARS system during the drop-in hours listed above.
You will be added to the drop-in queue and a counselor will see you on a first-come, first-served basis. (If you have trouble connecting, please call 408.864.8327 or email outreach@deanza.edu. Please include your 8-digit CWID when you email us, so we can respond more quickly.)
Schedule an Appointment
(You can also check our drop-in hours for times when you can see a counselor without an appointment.)
How to Make an Appointment
Click the yellow "appointment" button to schedule a time when you can meet with a counselor in person, by phone or on Zoom.
After you click the button, you'll prompted to log in to the eSARS scheduling system:
- Log in with your CWID (your 8-digit student ID number, also known as your Campuswide ID) and your date of birth (use the format: MMDDYYYY).
- Once you are logged in, follow the prompts to see appointment times that are available over the next 14 days.
- If you don't see any times open, please check back each day. New time slots will be posted as they become available.
Meet the Outreach Counselors
Erick Aragon
Umar Douglas
Men of Color Community
Ashley Flores
De Anza Promise
Anna Nguyen
De Anza Promise
Jesus Ruelas
Men of Color Community,
Rising Scholars
Chai Schweikert
De Anza Promise
Charles Van Meurs
Men of Color Community