General Meeting Information
Date: October 28,
Time: 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Location: Student Council Chambers and Zoom
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 2:30 Call to Order
A - Jin Huang (Chaiperson)
2:30-2:32 Roll Call
I/D/A - Maliah Kenoly (Secretary)
2:32-2:35 Public Comments
I/D All 2:35-2:40 Check-In:
What's your favorite moment last week?
Time: 5 min
I/D - Jin Huang (Chaiperson)
2:40-3:00 Business Item 1
New/Reactivated Club Applications
This item is to review new club applications and decide on approval and next steps.
Time: 20 min
- Maritza Arreola
- Elizabeth Tsai
3:00-3:10 Business Item 2
Homecoming Dance
This item is to discuss and clarify remaining tasks for Homecoming Dance.
Time: 10 min
- Allison Trinh
- Eric Nguyen
- Maritza Arreola
3:10-3:15 Business Item 3
ICC Intern Application
This item is to confirm vacancies for 2024-2025 interns and finalize application details.
Time: 5 minutes
- Jin Huang (Chaiperson)
3:15-3:20 Business Item 4
Club Awards and Budget and Prizes
This item is to discuss and approve the budget and prize categories for club awards.
Time: 5 minutes
- Maritza Arreola
- Jin Huang (Chaiperson)
3:20-3:25 Business Item 5
ICC Scholarship Budget
This item is to review and discuss the budget for ICC scholarships.
Time: 5 minutes
- Maritza Arreola
3:25-3:30 Public Comments
All 3:30 Adjournment
- Jin Huang (Chaiperson)
A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Call to Order
- Jin called the meeting to order at 2:34 PM.
Roll Call
Last Name, First Name
Left Early
Jin Huang
DASG Chair of Inter Club Council (ICC)
Elizabeth Tsai
ICC Chair of Club Affairs
Kaung Lett Yhone
ICC Chair of Equity
Amelia Oo
ICC Chair of Finance
Audrey Stanly
ICC Vice Chair of Finance
Allison Trinh
ICC Chair of Programs
x Eric Nguyen
ICC Vice Chair of Programs
x Dinara Usonova
ICC Chair of Marketing
x Cecilia Ji
ICC Vice Chair of Marketing
x Public Comments
- Public comments were made.
Check In
- All attendees provided a check in update.
Business Item 1
New/Reactivated Club Applications
- Fall is usually when we receive the most applications.
- Still have 22 new clubs to approve for the whole year.
- ICC council will decide on approvals based on uniqueness of each club given the limit if 22 more new club approvals for the year.
Cognitive Science and Behavioral Economics Club
- Club did not send application to the correct emails; got lost in translation.
- ICC needs to update the website, ICC Codes etc.
- Kaung motions to table for next week; Amelia seconded the motion, no objections.
Philosophy & Gender Studies Club
- Elizabeth motioned to approve.
- Kaung seconded the motion, no objections.
Kaung motioned to have a 5 min recess.
Cecilia seconded the motion, no objections.
Hiking and Volunteering Association
- Hiking and Volunteering Association presented their club information.
- Amelia motioned to approve the Hiking and Volunteering Association Club.
- Cecilia seconded the motion, no objections.
De Anza Pakistani Student Association
- Cecilia motioned to approve
- Kaung seconded the motion, no objections.
Abstract Algebra Club presented their item.
Allison motioned to table all club applications until a budget request can be made to DASG Finance.
Cecilia seconded the motion, no objections.
Business Item 2
Homecoming Discussion
- Flyer complete; waiting on pregame details.
- Needs to create a Save the Date flyer asap.
- Where to put the RSVP form on the flyer.
- Maritza will create an RSVP form.
Allison motioned to extend the meeting by 10 minutes.
Elizabeth seconded the motion, no objections.
Business Item 3
Club Awards and Budget Prizes
- Jin will take the lead on club award amounts.
Public Comments
- ICC Club supplies should not be left out in the ICC Office and/or club rooms etc. Please work to put the supplies back in the ICC Office.
- Pickleball Club budget request; have to check with student accounts about general usage of supplies requested.
- Meeting adjourned at 3:45 PM.