General Meeting Information

Date: February 1, 2023
Time: 1:00
Location: Zoom

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    1:00pm-1:10pm Welcome and Introductions I/D Randy Bryant
    1:10pm-1:20pm CTE Dean's Updates I/D Randy Bryant/All
    1:20pm-1:30pm CTE Counselor Updates I/D Trisha Tran
    1:30pm-1:35pm Dual, Concurrent, and Noncredit Program Coordinator Updates I/D

    Vins Chacko

    1:35pm-1:45pm Perkins 2022-2023 Budget Update


    Vins Chacko

    1:45pm-1:55pm SWP Round 6 Updates


    Vins Chacko

    1:55pm-2:00pm CTE Department Updates



    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    Meeting Date:  February 1, 2023

    Anita Muthyala-Kandula, Bill Roeder, Chia Wen, Daniel Smith, Dave Capitolo, Debbie Lee, Debbie Wagner, Elvin Ramos, Farideh Dada, Hua-Fu Liu, Jayanti Roy, Jeff Staudinger, Manisha Kaira, Mark Sherby, Mary Pape, Maureen Miramontes, Max Gilleland, Mike Appio, Milena Grozeva, Moaty Fayek, Randy Bryant, Sabrina Stewart, Sana Massad, Thomas Bailey, Trisha Tran, Vins Chacko

    CTE/Workforce Steering committee zoom meeting started with a welcome from the Division Dean at 1:00 PM.
    CTE Dean's Update     Randy Bryant
    CTE Dean welcomed and thanked anyone for their attendance.  CTE Dean informed everyone that the meeting is conducting to keep everyone in informed about the CTE department activities and updates.  He requested everyone to review the resources allocation list and provide feedback regarding the list and any questions they may have.  CTE Committee needs to review and approve the CTE resource allocation list to submit to the Resource Allocations and Program Planning (RAPP) for budget approval.  Randy congratulated Vins Chacko for his new role as Grants Administrator.  CTE department will be processing the Dual Enrollment Coordinator and Senior Administrative Assistant positions.   
    CTE Counseling updates     Trisha Tran
    CTE counselor will be conducting Career Series workshop starting February 2023 to prepare students to obtain internship and job opportunities, the workshop series schedule was shared through chat.  This will also prepare them for the summer career fair.  Trisha reminded that we are still channeling job seekers and job searches through our job board Handshake. Handshake helps us to track the data regarding careers.  She asked everyone to guide the employers to her, so that she can help the employers to register for Handshake to register the job is posted and demand data can be accessed.  Handshake is widely used with other colleges and employers.   Trisha and Randy answered committee members questions.   
    Dual, Concurrent and Noncredit Program updates     Vins Chacko
    Vins thanked everyone for their efforts to work with Fremont Unified High School District (FUHSD) to provide great services and dual enrollment classes.  Most of the CTE departments are taking part of the Career and College Access Pathway (CCAP) courses.  Vins informed that FHDA is on the process of finalizing the course offerings with FUHSD to be finalized by end of March 2023.  Randy elaborated the process of a high school faculty teaching college classes vs. De Anza faculty teaching classes.  Committee discussed some roadblocks and hesitation to teach Dual enrollment classes and options to make faculty aware of the advantages of HS dual enrollment classes.   

    Perkins 2022-2023 Budget Update     Vins Chacko
    Vins reported that we have spent $66,639.00 (out of $668,784) and encumbrance of $98,840.98 in Perkins 2022-2023 budget.  We still have a balance of $503,304.34 ($446,446.30 after salary projections) to be expended before June 30th.  Vins requested everyone to use their budget as soon as possible that we spend it in time.  We have to order, receive and pay for it by June 30th for the budget to be counted. Vins will be administering the grants, so CTE department team can still contact him.  Randy reminded all to manage their budgets as it is hard for the CTE division to project and track after the fact.  CTE department will be requesting application input towards 2023-2024 Perkins applications, please enter the justification and projections in details as it is required for NOVA applications.  
    SWP Round 6 Budget Update     Vins Chacko
    Vins reported that we have an expected balance of $549,240.99 including projected salaries as of 1/31/2023.  The SWP Round 6 ends as of 12/31/2023, so we hope to spend the money as soon as possible, requesting to spend by June 2023. CTE department is working with college administration to move the nursing salaries to move to A budget.  All required items should be on the resource allocation list. CTE team answered questions from the members.  Vins explained that we already have $1,532,273 available for SWP Round 7, which will end by July 2024.  Randy reminded everyone that we are happy to spend the budget for student success and improvements to CTE programs.    
    Resource Allocation Sheet     Randy
    Randy shared the resource allocation list and asked to review and ask for clarifications on the approved grant line items.  CTE office will collect votes through email to move forward the approved resource allocation list to RAPP.  The budget until July 2024 is already approved as these resource allocations include items departments can purchase through previous approved budgets. 

    Vins shared the resources allocation file through shared folder.  He asked everyone to work with the department dean's to make any corrections, updates, etc. We can purchase items from the list after it is approved by the college council.   
    CTE Department Update     CTE Team
    Vins reminded everyone to clear through him before using employment requisitions and using FOP as it changes every fiscal year (Vins).   

    Office of communication will be contacting CTE departments to create short videos for CTE Marketing (Randy).  

    Learning Aligned Employment Program (LAEP) grant for internship opportunities are provided with the partnership between financial aid office, CTE and OTI departments.  2.5 Million dollars are available to pay for internship opportunities.  Please contact Randy or Sabrina for more details about the program (Randy).

    Film/TV department's De Anza student Society of Motion Pictures and Television Engineers (SMPTE) chapters conferences are conducted on November 2022 and January 2023 (70 students and educators are attended) - (Melina).

    Farideh Dada was introduced as Journalism department chair and shared the LaVoz marketing video with everyone (Farideh)
    Meeting Adjourned at 2:00PM.

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