General Meeting Information
Date: October 19,
Time: 1:00
Location: Zoom
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 1:00pm-1:05pm CTE Dean's Updates I/D Randy Bryant 1:05pm-1:10pm CTE Counseling Updates I/D Trisha Tran and Felisa Vilaubi 1:10pm-1:20pm Dual, Concurrent, and Noncredit Program Updates I/D Vins Chacko 1:20pm-1:30pm LAEP (Learning-Aligned Employment Program) I/D Margaret Bdzil 1:30pm-1:40pm SWP Round 7 Budget I/D/A
Margaret Bdzil
1:40pm-1:50pm Perkins 2022-2023 Budget Update and Proposal
Margaret Bdzil 1:50pm-2:00pm CTE Department Updates
All A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Meeting Date: October 19, 2022
Anita Muthyala-Kandula, Chia Wen, Daniel Smith, Dave Capitolo, Debbie Lee, Debbie Wagner, Elvin Ramos, Farideh Dada, Felisa Vilaubi, Hua-Fu Liu, James Suits, Jayanti Roy, Kristin Skager, Margaet Bdzil, Marco Marquez, Mark Sherby, Mary Pape, Max Gilleland, Mike Appio, Milena Grozeva, Moaty Fayek, Patricia Buchner, Randy Bryant, Thomas Bailey, Trisha Tran, Vins Chacko
CTE/Workforce Steering committee zoom meeting started with a welcome from the Division Dean at 1:00 PM.
CTE Dean's Update Randy Bryant
CTE Dean's update stated with informing the team regarding the departure of Dual Enrollment Coordinator (Magali Molina) and CTE Counselor (Helen Pang) to advance their career away from the De Anza college. He wished them well and informed that CTE team will be on the process of hiring these positions.CTE Counseling updates Trisha Tran and Felisa Vilaubi
Trisha introduced herself to the team. She requested the committee to refer students to her if they need help with CTE. She offered her assistance to come to class to do presentation on career focused workshops in classroom per faculty request. In November, career workshop series will continue and requested faculty to refer students to attend to it. Trisha informed that Handshake job board is still active and use it as needed.Felisa Vilaubi, Adult Education Counselor, introduced herself and informed that De Anza is working to improve Adult Education enrollment that she will be contacting some of the departments to take part in it. She requested them to reach out to her if needed.
Dual, Concurrent and Noncredit Program updates Vins Chacko
Vins has been the intern dual enrollment coordinator since Magali left. He informed that 2 college introduction classes are delivered during summer 2022. This fall we have 5 classes during school hours and 3 classes after school hours are offered as part of College and Career Access Pathway (CCAP) program with FUHSD. The winter classes are being scheduled at this time to offer 5 classes during school hours and 5 classes after school hours. In spring we have 3 courses offered as it is 6 weeks courses due to time restrictions. He asked team to reach out to him to discuss possibilities to expand course offerings with FUHSD. Vins informed that he will be attending career fairs and informational meetings with community and partners. He requested to provide him with any specific program flyers the departments may have with him to share with the community during outreach events.Vins also requested everyone to purchase items from the approved resource allocation list. We are required to spend the budget within timeline.
LAEP (Learning-Aligned Employment Program) Margret Bdzil
California student Aid commission is implementing an opportunity to earn money for college students through internships, Learning-Aligned Employment Program (LAEP). It is available to all students who are eligible for Pell Grant, including DACA recipients. It is a work study program with guidelines to subsidize wages. Students are required to qualify though Financial Aid. Once the referral is completed OTI will match students with available jobs. We are working with OTI to implement the LAEP program. She shared the website about the LAEP program. De Anza has over 2 Million dollars to spend over the 9 year period, only to pay the students. The Perkins augmented fund is used to get this program running.SWP Round 7 Budget Proposal Margret Bdzil
2022-2023 SWP funds are $1,532.273 this year and the proposed budget was shared in the meeting. Margaret requested committee approval for this proposal as it need to be entered into the online NOVA application system. CTE department budget augmented to accommodate LAEP coordinator position and possible Career development Coordinator position to open career/internship center. We are hoping to move the nursing salaries to A budget in the near future. We hope to include Business and Real Estate departments to SWP budget allocations starting next year.Margaret requested to review and approve the proposed SWP Round 7 budget. Randy stated that we can meet another time if more time needed or approve it now if all agree. CTE team discussed the budget and approved to move forward without any objections.
Perkins 2022-2023 Budget Update and Proposal Margret Bdzil
Margaret informed that Perkins received augmentation of Perkins funds to investments in career education programs that will contribute to closing equity gaps. These funds are encouraged to invest in Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA) identified program activities to prepare students for jobs within the regional labor market. She shared the "Perkins Tile I, Part C Augmentation for FY 2022-23" memo from the chancellor's office to the committee.De Anza CTE team is requesting permission to use the augmented fund to set up the LAEP program through OTI. CTE is requesting the permission to use the additional Perkins fund for LAEP implementation/administration. Margret reminded everyone to use to professional development office budget before using Perkins or SWP professional development budget. She reminded that all out of state travels needs to be pre-approved by the Chancellors office prior to the travel. Please get CTE and department approval before any travels.
CTE Department Update CTE Team
Any of the programs need to discuss implementing credit for prior learning process, please contact Randy Bryant. He will facilitate with faculty to process this. Randy also thanked everyone for their understanding while CTE department is running within limited staff resource.Meeting Adjourned at 2:00PM.