General Meeting Information

Date: May 18, 2022
Time: 1:00

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    1:00pm-1:05pm Welcome and Introductions I/D Randy Brant
    1:05pm-1:20pm Workforce Metric Incorporated into the Educational Master Plan I/D Mallory Newell
    1:20pm-1:25pm CTE Dean's Updates I/D Randy Bryant

    Dual, Concurrent, Adult, Noncredit Enrollment Updates

    I/D Vins Chacko
    1:30pm-1:40pm Perkins 2022-2023 Application Status Update


    Margaret Bdzil

    Perkins 2022-2023 Budget Allocation-Proposal


    Margaret Bdzil

    CTE Counselor's Updates


    Trisha Tran

    CTE Department Updates


    Randy Bryant/All

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    Meeting date: 05/18/2022

    Anita Muthyala-Kandula, Chia Wen, Daniel Smith, Dave Capitolo, Debbie Lee, Debbie Wagner, Elvin Ramos, Farideh Dada, Felisa Vilaubi, Helen Pang, Hua-Fu Liu, James Suits, Jayanti Roy, Kristin Skager, Mallory Newell, Marco Marquez, Margaet Bdzil, Mark Sherby, Mary Pape, Max Gilleland, Mike Appio, Milena Grozeva, Moaty Fayek, Patricia Buchner, Randy Bryant, Thomas Bailey, Trisha Tran, Vins Chacko.

    CTE/Workforce Steering committee zoom meeting started with a welcome from the Division Dean at 1:00 PM.

    Debbie Lee introduced herself as the new Dean in Intercultural and International Studies. Dean Lee also mentioned that language such as Mandarin falls under her purview.

    Workforce Metric Incorporated into the Educational Master Plan     Mallory Newell

    Mallory Newell mentioned that they are collecting feedback for educational Master Plan that had been previously presented last week in a college-wide webinar. These are 10 different metrics that were done to measure the outcomes of the CTE and workforce program and aligned with the educational master plan and the metrics also narrowed down to racial makeup of students that were part of the CTE program.

    Huafu asked if Mandarin would be included in the feedback. Mallory said it can so as long as students took 6 credits that were also under CTE and Workforce, and surveyed a year after leaving and/or transferred.

    Huafu wants to use Perkins for mentor to support Mandarin program. Asking what the process is. Margaret is suggesting to justify it for next application period. Data is needed first before Perkins fund can be jusitifed and given.

    CTE Dean Updates   Randy Bryant

    BACCC programs are currently being evaluated and CTE Dean is trying to get approvals to share with Deans of various sectors of what's popular and trending among studnets and adults.

    CTE Dean also mentioned that the college is putting advertising responsibility on departments. CTE Dean is currently talking to Pacific Sky to help advertise CTE program.

    Dual Enrollment, Concurrent, Adult, Noncredit Enrollment Updates   Vins Chacko

    Vins mentioned on behalf of Magali that she needs the CR number for all Fall courses being scheduled through Dual Enrollment. Magali also needs every book information in each dual enrollment offered. Magali will send out email reminders. Magali says thank you to all departments for working with her and the High School partners.

    Perkins 2022-2023 Application Process     Margaret Bdzil

    Received augmentation a couple weeks ago. New total is $559,880. Took that Perkins 2022-2023 amount and divided it by all programs associated with CTE, each program gets about $2,000 more.

    Debbie Lee asked if there was a way include Mandarin. Margaret says its already late to submit fund request.

    Randy mentioned that if numbers are already entered in NOVA, it will be difficult to change what is already in the system.

    CTE Counselor Updates    Helen Pang/Trisha Tran

    Spring 2022 Career Fair recap: 90 employers registered, 343 students registered, 155 session sign ups (interview and resume preparation workshops). Employers that were present included: child development, manufacturing, machining, law enforcement, etc.

    Adobe Career Academy is looking for business, marketing/communications, computer science/tech major students. This will be a  five-week summer Career Academy that selected students will participate in that will hone their skills and talens. The Adobe recruiter is open to extending their deadline if not many students initially register. The Adobe Career Academy is hoping to get at least 50 students, and this will be a competitive application. Helen Pang notified all attendees that she has emailed the departments with this information. In addition, she has reminded everyone to continuous refer students to both her and Trisha as they can help with CTE and Workforce related questionnaires. 

    CTE Dept Updates     All

    Helen Pang announced a new position at SJCC where she will be on a tenure track in the General Counseling department. The last working day for Helen will be end of the Spring term.

    Meeting Adjourned at 2:00PM.

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