General Meeting Information

Date: May 24, 2023
Time: 12:30
Location: Zoom

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    12:30pm-12:35pm Welcome and Introductions I/D Randy Bryant/All
    12:35pm-12:40pm CTE Dean's Updates I/D Randy Bryant/All
    12:40pm-12:55pm CTE Academic Senate Rep Updates I/D Timothy Harper
    12:50pm-1:05pm CTE Metrics for Accreditation I/D Mallory Newell
    1:05pm-1:15pm CTE Counselor's Updates I/D Trisha Tran / Felisa Vilaubi
    1:15pm-1:25pm Dual, Concurrent and Noncredit Program Coordinator Updates I/D Randy Bryant
    1:25pm-1:35pm Budget Update I/D Vins Chacko
    1:35pm-1:45pm Perkins 2023-2024 Proposed Budget discussion and approval I/D Vins Chacko
    1:45 - 1:55pm CTE Department Updates I/D Randy Bryant / All

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes

    Anita Muthyala-Kandula, Chia Wen, Daniel Smith, Dave Capitolo, Debbie Lee, Debbie Wagner, Elvin Ramos, Jayanti Roy, Jeff Staudinger, Katrina Tran, Mallory Newell, Mark Sherby, Mary Pape, Maureen Miramontes, Max Gilleland, Mike Appio, Moaty Fayek, Randy Bryant, Tiffany Rodriguez-Tran, Timothy Harper, Trisha Tran, Vins Chack

     CTE/Workforce Steering committee zoom meeting started with a welcome from the Division Dean at 12:30 PM.
    CTE Dean's Update     Randy Bryant
    CTE Dean welcomed and thanked anyone for their attendance.  CTE Dean informed everyone that the meeting is conducting to keep everyone in informed about the CTE department activities and updates.  He also announced that there are new members of the CTE team and they will be introduced in the meeting.   
    CTE Academic Senate Rep Updates     Timothy Harper
    Timothy Harper introduced himself as the Senate Rep for CTE division. He brings updates as well as concerns from staff and faculty that are associated with the CTE programs. A volunteer slot was opened and he asked the attendees if anyone wants to join as a Senate rep as well. His purpose is to collecting data of staff, faculty, and administration on how to best support each department.

    CTE Metrics for Accreditation     Mallory Newell
    Mallory Newell introduced herself as the College Researcher in the Institute of Research and Planning at De Anza. She has created a metrics to measure CTE and Workforce outcomes. Some examples include strategic planning workshops were held throughout the year and now collecting feedback for educational Master Plan (presented last week in college-wide webinar). These are 10 different metrics that were done to measure the outcomes of the CTE and workforce program and aligned with the educational master plan.

    Debbie Lee, Dean of Intercultural Studies asked if students from this last year count (21-22) to Mallory. Mallory noted that the survey is only applicable to 18-19.

    CTE Counseling updates     Trisha Tran / Felisa Vilaubi
    2023 Spring Career Fair went well with close to 90 employers signed up with over 300 students in attendance. Announced Handshake pros/cons in terms of how to have instructors and students access to the application and for the application to gain more visibility.

    Trisha and Felisa also mentioned that HEFAS was contacted post-Career Fair due to Border Patrol presence as one of the 90 employers.

    Adobe back in person want to meet with students. Adobe initiated a Summer virtual development program for local community college students. This Friday, Mary 26th, is an info session to help with the application process. It is competition to get a spot in Adobe Career Academy.

    Dual, Concurrent and Noncredit Program updates     Tiffany Rodriguez-Tran / Vins Chacko
    Tiffany Rodriguez-Tran introduced herself as the new Senior Program Coordinator of the Dual Enrollment. Tiffany would like to meet with each Division Dean to know more about non-credit and credit programs and what each division entails

    An update for all departments, Tiffany will be meeting with High School counselors to do more outreach and application workshops.

    Perkins and SWP Round 6 Budget Update     Vins Chacko / Randy Bryant
    Reminded all Division Deans that we need to use Perkins by June 30th, thus, requisitions need to come in early to ensure funds can be used. Announced the summarized funds of SWP Round 6, and that we are already halfway through Round 7. Updated everyone that SWP Round 8 drops in July

    Two due dates in mind:

    ·       SWP Round 6, December of this year

    ·       SWP Round 7, Need to be spent by June 2024

    Vins showed the allocated budget is less than total budget request for Perkins (new FY) but departments can always dip into SWP funds if they do not have enough Perkins funds.

    Any changes to fund request, contact Vins.

    CTE Department Update     Randy Bryant / All
    Randy announcing marketing intern project update on how CTE and Workforce can gain more visibility online among students. Project outcomes include creating a social media handle (i.e. Instagram, Facebook, etc.) and curating DeAnza webpage to have more CTE and Workforce visibility. 
    Meeting Adjourned at 2:00PM.

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