Feeling Stressed or Depressed?

Speak With a Mental Health Professional – Online, Any Time!

New Service Starting April 1

Beginning Tuesday, April 1, you can use a new online service, TBH, that will be replacing TimelyCare for De Anza students. TBH is available free, 24/7, and offers unlimited sessions, plus coaching, group support and more. Find more information on the TBH webpage.

screenshot of woman in medical coat talking via smartphone video with young woman who is smilingTimelyCare provides free mental health care and other resources for De Anza students.

Use it on your phone or any connected device to get virtual care from anywhere.

If you're registered for classes at De Anza, you can use TimelyCare for these services – free of charge:

  • TalkNow – speak right away with a mental health professional, available 24/7
  • Scheduled Counseling – make an appointment for a one-on-one session (45 minutes) with a licensed counselor. You can have up to 12 sessions per year.
  • Basic Needs – learn about resources available on campus and in the community, including food, housing, child care, legal services and more. (You can also find help with basic needs at deanza.edu/resources)
  • Webinars – watch recorded sessions on guided meditation, yoga and other health topics

In-Person Counseling and Support Groups

If you're looking for in-person mental health counseling or a support group, please visit the Mental Health and Wellness Center website for information about how to make an appointment or join a group.

Here's How to Use TimelyCare

TimelyCare logoYou can access TimelyCare from wherever you are in the United States. It's even available over the summer, as long as you were registered at De Anza for spring quarter or summer session.

Get the app or go on the web

You can access TimelyCare services by using the mobile app on your phone or tablet, or use a browser to visit their website.

  • Download the TimelyCare mobile app from the Apple or Google app stores

Set up your account

First, you'll need a De Anza student email account ending in @student.deanza.edu 

Get Your Student Email Account

Once you have a student email address, open the mobile app or visit the website at timelycare.com/FHDA and follow the instructions to register with that address, so you can begin using TimelyCare services

The first time you sign in, you'll be asked a few questions about your health and medical history.

  • This takes only a few minutes
  • If you do this now, you'll be all set to go when you need the TimelyCare services

Once you're logged in

When you log in, you can choose the service you want to use:

  • TalkNow
  • Scheduled Counseling
  • Basic Needs
  • Group Sessions

More About TimelyCare

De Anza Employees

If you’re concerned about a student’s well-being, you can call 833-4-TIMELY any time, 24/7, to speak with a professional about ways you can help. Visit the Employee Assistance webpage to learn about more benefits available to you.

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