Feeling Stressed or Overwhelmed?
Get Free Mental Health Support – 24/7
TBH provides free online mental health support, whenever you need it
Your mental health matters, and we’re here to help. TBH offers free, on-demand mental health support for De Anza students. It’s built for you, by experts who understand what you’re going through.
- No long waits
- No limits
- Just real help, whenever you need it
What's TBH?
- On-demand support, 24/7: Speak with a mental health professional online. No long waits: You'll be connected in minutes.
- Unlimited sessions: No caps, no fine print. Get as much support as you need.
- More than therapy: We also provide coaching, group support and digital tools designed for you.
- Basic needs assistance: Get connected to essential resources, including help with food, housing, child care and transportation.
- No app or insurance needed: Just log in and get started.
- Everything is online: You can connect anywhere, anytime, on any device.
TBH is available for registered students at De Anza or Foothill college, starting April 1, 2025.
In-Person Counseling and Support Groups
If you're looking for in-person mental health counseling or support groups, please visit the Mental Health and Wellness Center website for information about how to make an appointment or join a group.Here's What You Can Get
Click each red bar to learn more.
On-Demand Counseling
Feeling overwhelmed at 2 a.m.? We’ve got you. Connect with a mental health coach in minutes.
One-on-One Support
Meet with a licensed therapist or coach, on your schedule. Sessions are private, professional and designed to help you thrive.
Group Sessions
Join a tight-knit group of students who get what you’re going through. Sessions are led by experts and shaped by real conversations.
Digital Self-Help
Explore interactive blogs, videos and quizzes tailored to your needs. Think of it as a gym for your mental health.
Basic Needs Assistance
Need help with food, housing or financial aid? We’ll connect you to real resources and professional help that makes a difference. (You can also find help with basic needs on campus at deanza.edu/resources)
Sign Up for TBH
FAQs About TBH
Getting Started
Cost and Availability
Eligibility and Accessibility
Who is eligible to use TBH?
Can international or undocumented students use TBH?
Is TBH available in other languages?
Crisis and Special Support Needs
Coaching vs. Therapy
What’s the difference between coaching and therapy?
What if I start with coaching but want therapy later?
Transitioning From TimelyCare
What happens to my TimelyCare account?
Can I transfer my TimelyCare records to TBH?
Will I be limited to the number of sessions that TimelyCare allowed?
Can I pre-register before April 1?
Privacy and Confidentiality
De Anza Employees
College employees can visit the Employee Assistance webpage to learn about support and benefits available to you.