Faculty Funding Policies

In reviewing faculty applications, the committee considers criteria such as:

  • Value to the college in furthering current and future directions in curriculum, instructional methodology, online education and technology, student services and/or program/department coordination
  • Value to the individual in updating an instructional, student services, or management discipline
  • Presenting or speaking at a conference
  • An effective plan for disseminating and implementing information and skills acquired
  • Availability of augmenting funds and alternative activities

Awards for full-time and part-time faculty are limited to a maximum of $2000 per person in any academic year (July 1 – June 30). Part time faculty who teach at both De Anza and Foothill Colleges are allowed a maximum of $2000 total, District-wide.

Seeking funding for a Non-Transcripted Course?

Learn more about the difference between Non-Transcripted Courses and Training/Retraining activities. [LINK]

Should I be applying for Training/Retraining Funds? 

For more information visit [LINK]

Plan Ahead!

Please submit your application 3-4 weeks before the activity you wish to attend, in order to allow enough time for the submission and review process. Applications must be approved by the committee prior to travel.

Application Review Cycle

Week 1

  • Applications are due on Wednesday. ** They are reviewed for completeness and accuracy. This process may take several days and depend on your responsiveness to emails. 
  • Once the application is determined by accurate and complete, it is sent to the committee for review on Thursday.
  • Committee review cycle begins on Friday. 

(** If you miss the Wednesay deadline, your application will enter the cycle the following week.)

Week 2

  • Committee has the opportunity  to ask questions and discuss applications during this time. You may be contacted for additional information or clarification on your application. Please do your best to be responsive so your application can be reviewed in a timely manner. Often times, committee members will have no questions or comments and return a decision in a day or two.

Week 3 

  • Your award letter is sent to you this week.

Expenses that are covered

Funds are allocated to defray, in part, costs associated with:

    1. Conference/workshop fees
    2. Airfare or driving mileage to the event (maximum reimbursed is 300 miles driving or the equivalent economy airfare + car rental)*
    3. Local mileage or public transportation to the event
    4. Parking fees, ground transportation (taxis and shuttles)
    5. Lodging (if 75 miles or more away from campus); [no Airbnb or VRBO-type rentals are reimbursable)*
    6. Car rental, if applicable*
    7. Meals not covered by registration fees. Estimate actual meals costs for your application using the maximums for per diem according to the district Travel Guideline (fhda.edu)

* Please read the district Travel Guideline (fhda.edu) for "reasonable" expense limitations for airfare, lodging and car rental

Expenses that are not covered

    1. Other expenses not specified above.
    2. Membership fees that are separate from conference registration fees.
    3. One-year grant-funded faculty. [If the administrative supervisor verifies the length of position and that the grant will continue at least one year after the activity for which funds are requested, then grant-funded faculty are eligible for conference funds.]
    4. Faculty on Article 19, or on leave without pay, retraining stipends, or fellowships.
    5. Part-time faculty who have not yet achieved re-employment preference.
    6. Enrollment in college or university credit courses. [Training/Retraining Stipends are available from the District. Refer to your union contract, Article 35 and Appendix R, or call District Human Resources for more information.]

What to include in your application packet

Submit the original completed application packet to the Professional Development Office for forwarding to the Committee and include:

  1. Your signature on the application.
  2. Your supervisor/dean/manager's signature on the application. (Applications not approved by the dean will be sent to the VP of Instruction and the President for review.)
  3. If requesting mileage, Google Directions showing the number of miles from your home or work to the activity, whichever is closest.
  4. A copy of the brochure, flyer, program agenda, estimate or receipt, or web pages showing:
    • the description of the conference or activity
    • the conference/seminar fee
    • airfare or transportation expense(s)
    • hotel fees, including taxes (a good general estimate would be 15% for taxes
  5. A completed and signed International Travel Authorization Form, if planning to travel outside of the United States.

Notification of funding

Award packets are sent to the applicant's FHDA e-mail address within 2-3 business days after the committee meeting, and includes:

  • an award letter
  • a Trip Voucher
  • an Out-of-State Authorization Form (where applicable), and
  • instructions for reporting expenses

Paying for expenses

Employees are responsible for paying for all conference fees and travel expenses.

Options to cover time away

Full-time and part-time faculty may use either "Faculty Conference Days" and/or a "Professional Development Day" (FLEX days) for conference attendance during the regular academic year (Fall, Winter, Spring). To do so faculty need to submit an Individual Proposal for Faculty Flex Day to the Dean at least 5 working days before the conference. See Article 27.3 and Appendix H4 in your FA Agreement for details, process, and timeline. Full-time faculty, and part-time faculty with re-employment preference, may also use Personal Necessity Leave for attendance at professional conferences related to the teaching professional and/or one's area of assignment. See Article 16.1 in your FA Agreement, and 16.2 if you part-time faculty. If you have any questions or need to clarify anything in this article, please call the Faculty Association Office at 650-949-7544.

Reimbursement Process

Trip vouchers are sent to award recipients with their award letter. Your completed trip voucher, with receipts and proofs of payment, are due at the Office of Professional Development 45 days after your conference (the due date appears on your award letter).

What to include with your trip voucher

Your completed trip voucher, with receipts and proofs of payment, are due at the Office of Professional Development 45 days after your conference (the due date appears on your award letter).

  • a completed trip voucher (the AVP of Instruc­tion’s signature will be acquired by the Professional Develop­ment Office).
  • original receipts made out to the attendee for conference fees and transportation, and lodging receipt with a hotel itemized statement.
  • a copy of the Board approval for International Travel (if traveling outside of the country).
  • a 1-2 page written summary of the conference.

Receipts and Proof of Payment

The District external auditors require original receipts and proof of payment to be turned in with your Trip Voucher for reimbursement of your approved expenses. Reciepts for per diem are NOT required (conference program must be included to indicate which meals are exluded).  Please make a copy of your receipts for your own records before turning them in with your Trip Voucher.

  • Receipts for expenses paid by credit card must show your name, the completed transaction (showing a $0 balance), the credit card type, and for VISA credit card receipts, the last 4 digits of the credit card number.
  • Receipts for expenses paid by personal check: you must attach a copy or scan of the cancelled check, both the front and the back sides, showing that it was paid by your bank.
  • Receipts for expenses paid with cash must show "paid in cash" or you may record "paid in cash" on the receipt and initial it.
  • Receipts for expenses paid by PayPal must show the last 4 digits of the  originating credit card, or be accompanied by a credit card statement showing the completed transaction (all information except for the transaction and the last four digits of the account may be blacked out).

Getting Reimbursed from Multiple Sources

If you have been approved for secondary funding for your activity through your division/department budget or campus grants, you should plan to turn in ALL receipts for reimbursement on the Professional Development trip voucher that was sent to you. The manager of the secondary funds should fill in the amount of reimbursement and the appropriate budget code/FOAP at the top of the trip voucher, and sign the bottom. The trip voucher and receipts then go to the Office of Professional Development to complete the processing and obtain the final signatures.

Getting Your Department Reimbursed

If your division or department has already paid for part or all of your approved conference expenses with a District purchasing card or Direct Pay Request, then the Professional Development Office will process the necessary paperwork to transfer the expense to the appropriate conference and travel budget. You must obtain a copy of the Budget Query or a budget report showing the transaction of the expense that has been charged to the department budget and turn that in with the matching receipts for processing with your trip voucher.

If your expenses exceed your award

Submit your completed trip voucher and receipts with a cover letter (through email) requesting additional funds to the Professional Development Program Coordinator (Claudia Guzman, x8322). The request will be reviewed by the committee at the next scheduled meeting, following these guidelines:

  • It was determined that the committee or the Professional Development Office made a mistake in the calculation of your award amount, or
  • Something unforeseen came up that was unexpected and out of your control, such as illness, your flight was cancelled or changed by the airline, the event start or end time changed.

The committee will send the final decision on your request via e-mail within 48 hours of the meeting.

How to Apply

Conference fund applications are now submitted and processed online via Adobe Sign.

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