Report Forms for College Employees

De Anza College uses the case-tracking and reporting system called Maxient. If you are a college employee, you can submit a report through the links below.

Please Note

The forms on this webpage are designed for college employees, including faculty members, classified professionals and administrators. If you're a student who wants to report a complaint or concern, please use one of the forms on the Student Complaints webpage, so your report will be routed to the right office that can assist you.

The Maxient system provides a record of incidents and situations that the Student Judicial Affairs team uses to follow up on and resolve cases effectively, while using separate forms for different types of reports or requests. Click each of the following for more information and a link to the appropriate form:

Student Code of Conduct Violations

These include academic integrity and nonacademic violations such as misuse of alcohol or drugs, disorderly conduct, hazing, harassment, physical violence and other violations of the policies or rules of De Anza College or the Foothill-De Anza Community College District.

Harassment or Discrimination Not Covered By Title IX

Unlawful harassment or discrimination can include being subjected to a hostile environment, or being denied access to college programs or resources, based on factors such as age, disability, national origin, race, religion or sexual orientation. You can use this form to file a formal complaint, which may lead to a formal investigation and administrative determination under Section VII.C-F and Sections IX and X of district Administrative Procedure 4640.

Sexual Harassment, Violence or Misconduct 

– Including Relationship Violence, Threats or Stalking

This category includes dating violence, domestic violence, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct or stalking behaviors. The college Title IX coordinator works with the Student Judicial Affairs team to address these concerns. 

Worrisome or Threatening Behaviors

If you are concerned about a student or other member of the campus community, don't remain silent. By working together, we can help keep our campus community safe. 

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