General Meeting Information

Date: March 5, 2020
Time: 1:30 - 3:00 p.m.
Location: DA Library, El Milagro Rm LC237

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    1:30 p.m. Review Agenda & Notes I Mieso/Booye
    1:35 p.m. SEA Program Process Presentation I/D Newell/Varela
    2:00 p.m. Emergency Fund Update I/D Mandy
    2:15 p.m. College Promise Update I/D Mandy
    2:30 p.m. Program & Committee Updates I/D  All
    3:00 p.m. Adjourn    

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes


    Attending Members:  Balducci, Booye (co-chair), Glapion, Kirkpatrick, LeBleu-Burns, Mandy, Mieso (co-chair)

    Guests:  Mallory Newell, Martin Varela

    Meeting Items

    Minutes Approval

    There were no amendments to the previous meeting notes or to the agenda.

    SEA Program Process Presentation

    Newell and Varela presented on the transition of the SEA Program and how the spending of the funds will go through the College Planning Committee, which has representation from all shared governance groups, instead of the PBTs as in the past. Varela reviewed the separate funds, Basic Skills Initiative, Student Equity, and Student Success and Support Program, and how they have now been combined into the SEA Program. The reporting has also been integrated and is now submitted online.

    Newell explained about the College Planning Committee process to distribute the funds in a transparent and inclusive way. A proposal template will be created for programs to submit their fund requests. There will be one and two year funding proposals with required follow-up reports. The template will already have the disproportionately impacted groups listed on the form as well.

    A webpage has been created for the College Planning Committee another page for the SEA Program.

    Full Presentation

    Emergency Fund Update

    Mandy reported that an Emergency Fund has been established to add to the expanding resources we offer students regarding basic needs. We received a $25,000 grant from AT&T and have some Foundation funding as well. The form can be found online and criteria set for who can apply and how much they can receive each year.

    A webpage has been set-up for the Emergency Fund[BROKEN LINK] and resources can be found for food, housing, and transportation as well.

    Some programs also offer some emergency funding such as EOPS and OTI. The funds available are limited to students who are in these programs only and cannot be used for students not in the program.

    College Promise Update

    Mandy also updated the committee on the progress of the College Promise program now in its second year. She provided data comparing the two years to where we currently are in the year:

    Purchasing Books & Supplies

    2018-19           $14,856
    2019-20           $418,538

    Tuition & Fees

    2018-19           $212,000
    2019-20           $979,000

    Current Student Enrollment Numbers

    First Year         2089
    Second Year      702
    Total:                2791

    Mandy reported that the communication between multiple departments, Outreach, DSPS, Bookstore, and Financial Aid this year has improved and everyone is working very well together. ETS will be adding some automation to notify students if they fall below the required 12 units versus doing it manually. DSPS students are now allowed to have 6 units per quarter and still receive funding.

    Program & Committee Updates
    • Mandy asked the committee to spread the word that they still need readers for the student scholarship applications and an email will go out again requesting volunteers.

    • Glapion reported that Academic Senate is reviewing the process for faculty to serve on hiring committees.

    • Booye reported that there wasn’t too much to update from Classified Senate but the 6% COLA should show up on Classified paychecks in March 2020.

    • LeBleu-Burns reminded everyone that the DASB elections would be closing this Friday, March 6th. Also, Health Services has set up safety protocols regarding students who come in or contact them regarding possible symptoms for the Coronavirus.
      • Updates can be found on the De Anza homepage that links to a designated Coronavirus page to keep everyone informed.

    • Mieso wanted to remind everyone in Student Services to RSVP to the invitation for the retreat next Friday, March 13th. He also wanted everyone to let students know about the free tax service for students that is located in the Fireside Room in Campus Center. Information can be found here.

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