General Meeting Information

Date: March 10, 2020
Time: 2:00pm
Location: ADMIN 106

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    2:00 Approval of Agenda & Minutes I/D/A All
    2:05 Welcome and Ice Breaker Activitiy
    Today's Question: What is your burning question regarding COVID-19 as it impacts your area/job?
    I/D All
    2:15 District/Campus COVID-19 Response
    Christina Espinosa-Pieb will join us.
    I/D Pieb

    Guided Pathways & Metamajors

    I/D Hearn/Palmore

    Standing updates for Shared Governance Group



    Good of the order



    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes [DRAFT]


    Members Present: Heidi King (president elect), Victoria Kahler (secretary), Scott Olsen (treasurer), Alex Harrell (communications officer), Laura Hiler (sec. 1), Dana Kennedy (sec. 4), Lorna Maynard (sec. 6), Sofia Abad (sec. 7), Winnie Tse (DASB rep.)

    Guests: Lydia Hearn (Guided Pathways Co-Coordinator), Kim Palmore (Guided Pathways Co-Coordinator), Marilyn Booye (SSPBT), Christina Espinosa-Pieb (DA Interim President), Marisa Spatafore (Associate Vice President, Communications and External Relations)

    Meeting Items

    Approval of Minutes and Agenda

    Quorum was not met due to absences/coverage issue.

    Today’s Opening Discussion

    What is your burning question regarding COVID-19 as it impacts your area/job?

    Guided Pathways and Meta Majors Update

    Palmore and Hearn presented information about Guided Pathways , in particular meta majors: “For example, programs like health, psychology and kinesiology might be grouped into a meta major called Health and Wellness.” The core team has been looking at what other colleges (including City Colleges of Chicago and Lake Tahoe Community College) have been doing as well as surveying groups on campus during Opening Day workshops, Division Meetings, Academic Senate meetings, and sessions with students. So far, over 140 participants have given input. They have taken part in a sorting activity for some named meta majors. In addition, Classified Senators present gave input on verb sets that would help describe the meta majors. The next phase that classified professionals will be involved in is input on support services.

    District/Campus COVID-19 Response

    Espinosa-Pieb spoke about the abundance of questions that students, staff, and faculty have had during this time. Many students have worried about grades and credit for their academic work, and staff wondering about how to convert face-to-face work to online. Faculty are trying to account for learning modalities and accommodations in their classes. In addition, administration is thinking about students who rely on the food pantry, campus technology, and other facilities. Spatafore explained that De Anza follows the Santa Clara County Public Health Department recommendations, “not waiting on them; we’re working with them.” Both emphasized that every student/staff/faculty has a different situation to deal with in a very dynamic situation.

    Standing Committee & Shared Governance Reports

    Booye shared that SSPT will have updates about College Promise soon. She also thanked Classified Senate for the sandwich vouchers on behalf of Foster Youth.

    Good of the Order

    ADELA is fundraising for the annual scholarships. Please watch for emails.

    Meeting adjourned at 3:28 pm

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