Relevant Links

Student Success Taskforce - Document on advancing student success in California Community Colleges. Updated Dec 2011.

Increasing Full-time, Diverse Faculty - List of recommended reading regarding increasing full-time, diverse faculty.

Pathways to Student Equity - The commitments of faculty regarding student access, retention and success require a commitment of resources, time, thought, planning, and positive attitude from the college community.

Materials Fees Issues Overview & Senate Resolutions

Academic Senate Scholarships

The De Anza College Academic Senate annually awards two $1000 academic scholarships to De Anza students. One is awarded to a student pursuing a career program Associate Degree and another is awarded to a student transferring to a 4-year college/university with the express intent of pursuing a career in teaching/counseling/library services at the pre-school through university level. Scholarship applications are available through the Financial Aid Office.

Associate Degree Career Program Scholarship

2013: Iraj Fouladi
2012 - Rana Maloney
2011 -2010 - Kirsten Criscenti
2009 - Mesa Ungrattanakorn
2008 - Gerald Rud
2007 - Jose Garcia
2005 - Jodi Forbes
2004 - Kathryn Nickerson
2003 - Terrell Mitchell

Prospective Teacher Scholarship

2013 - Maria Madrigal
2012 - Rachel Baltazar
2011 -
2010 - Farnaz Dayani
2009 - Samera Hadi
2008 - Michalina Zmijewski
2007 - Pao Weng Chen
2005 - Kamran Afshari
2004 - Syreeta Watkins
2003 - Dang Le

Note: A recipient of either Senate scholarship award may not receive either award in future years.

Scholarship Payroll Deduction form - For scholarship receivers for tax and contribution purposes.

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