General Meeting Information
Date: March 17,
Time: 2:30-4:30 PM
Location: MLC 255
This meeting will be held in a Hybrid modality, meaning anyone can participate in-person or online. To join remotely, see the Zoom information at the bottom of this page.
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader I. Call to Order
2:30 Welcome
Voting and Associate members joining us online, please turn your cameras on and add "VM" to your zoom name to help identify you to the public.I All 2:30-2:35 Approval of Agenda and Minutes from March 10th, 2025. I/D/A All 2:35-2:40 Public Comment
I All II. Consent Calendar
2:40 - 2:45 Consent Calendar:
- Pre-approval for volunteers submitted to Curriculum Chair Bob Singh for Common Course Numbering Workgroups
I/D/A Guitron III. Needs and Confirmations
2:40 - 2:45 District and College Needs (Attachment)
- Tenure Review At-Large Representatives
- EO Representatives
I/D Guitron 2:40 - 2:45 Confirmations - (Attachment)
- Hiring Committee: Dean, Creative Arts
- Hiring Committee: CETH (Comparative Ethnic Studies) Instructor (change)
- Hiring Committee: HEFAS (Higher Education for AB 540 Students) Counselor
I/D/A Guitron IV. New & Continuing Business
2:45 - 2:55 Quick Notes:
- Listening Project - Delayed
- FHDA Board Meeting highlights
- New Funding Requests for Consideration
- VP Hiring Updates
- ASCCC Area B Meeting (hybrid), March 21st -- Everyone is welcome.
I/D Woodbury
2:55-3:00 DASG Update
I/D Pham
3:00-3:20 AI policy recommendations from COOL
I/D Woodbury
Leonard3:20 - 3:30 AI Notetakers
I/D Woodbury
3:30-3:40 Update on Sanctuary District Resolution
I/D Woodbury
3:40-4:00 AB 1705 Resolution
Resolution on Supporting Student Success and Access in Math and EnglishI/D Mesh
4:00-4:15 Priority Registration for MESA students
I/D Woodbury
4:15-4:20 Recap of Winter 2025 and Looking forward to Spring
I/D Woodbury
4:20-4:25 Good of the Order
I All 4:25 Adjournment
A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Minutes [DRAFT]
I. Call to Order
Erik Woodbury welcomed everyone to the last Senate meeting for the winter quarter.
The meeting was interrupted by zoom bombing. All online attendees had to leave the zoom and be verified before they may join the meeting.
Approval of Agenda and Minutes from March 10th, 2025.
Bob Singh moved, Ravjeet Singh seconded to approve both minutes and agenda. No objection. Agenda and minutes approved by unanimous consent.
Public Comment
La Voz won 40 awards last week at the ACP National College Media Conference in Long Beach. The student attendees described it as an amazing opportunity and expressed appreciation for their mentors as well as DASG that provided most of their conference funding.
Alicia Mullens shared a recent news article: Maricopa County Community College District, one of the largest community college districts in the United States, is firing workers assigned to DEI roles in response to President Donald Trump’s threat to defund colleges and universities that engage in diversity efforts. MCCCD has cut its programs and affinity group for LGBTQ+ staff, students and teachers. Web pages that direct to information on Black History Month or Black Student Unions are disappearing across MCCCD.
The FHDA has been in discussion around resolutions to protect our marginalized communities, both students and employees. There were plans to put together a resolution of support for LGBTQ+ faculty and staff that will go to the board in the spring quarter.
More alarming news of concern related to political dissent and freedom of speech on college campuses. Columbia student protest leader Mahmoud Khalil has been apprehended and jailed in ICE detention center. The government is attempting to deport him in spite of his legal status.
Ishmael Tarikh: In the spring the Senate should have discussions around the need to reinvigorate the ability to speak freely on a college campus.
Veronica Acevedo: DALA, the De Anza Latinx Association, would like to know the process to request funds from the Senate.
Erik Woodbury: Anyone may bring their request to the officers to be agendized for Senate discussion and decision.
Mark Landefeld reported that the classic portal configuration was no longer available. ETS has changed the portal. He found the new format less productive.
Shagun Kaur and Veronica Acevedo: Students have been missing classes to deal with immigration issues. Trans students have been afraid to come to campus. What is the college guideline or protocol for dealing with students unable to come to school?
Christa Steiner: The EW committee can give an EW for any extenuating circumstance that can be documented. The Mental health and Wellness Center can provide the documentation.
II. Consent Calendar
Consent Calendar:
Pre-approval for Curriculum Chair Bob Singh to submit volunteers for Common Course Numbering Workgroups.
The pre-approval was needed because the names for the state level common course numbering workshops will be due by March 25, before the next Senate meeting on April 14.
Jayanti Roy moved to approve Curriculum Chair Bob Singh to forward names of volunteers for Common Course Numbering Workshops. Ravjeet Singh seconded. No objections. Consent Calendar approved by unanimous consent.
III. Needs and Confirmation
District and College Needs (Attachment)
- Tenure Review At-Large Representatives
- EO Representatives
Call for more volunteers to serve and be trained as EO representatives. There are many committees being formed. Some of the committees are on hold waiting for EO reps. EO training is required to serve. Those already trained may take a 20-30 minutes refresher on the HR website.
Confirmations - (Attachment)
- Hiring Committee: Dean, Creative Arts
- Hiring Committee: CETH (Comparative Ethnic Studies) Instructor (change, Alicia De Toro replaces Jim Nguyen on the committee)
- Hiring Committee: HEFAS (Higher Education for AB 540 Students) Counselor
Sherwin Mendoza moved to approve, Cynthia Kaufman seconded. No objection. Hiring committees approved by unanimous consent.
IV. New & Continuing Business
Quick Notes:
Listening Project
Delayed again due to a scheduling conflict. Erik Woodbury will schedule the project for early in the Spring quarter.
FHDA Board Meeting highlights
Pre-meeting recognition ceremony for tenure recipients. Erik Woodbury recognized and congratulated Leah Smith, De Anza tenure recipient. The ceremony was very nice. He encouraged everyone to join the celebration next year.
The board approved the purchase of a student housing site, an apartment complex across Stelling, a short walk from campus. Someone raised concerns for the current tenants at the apartment building. There will not be any evictions. At the end of their current lease, the district will help the tenants relocate to other properties. This may be controversial but was necessary to move forward with the Measure G affordable student housing initiative
New Funding Requests for Consideration;
Chai Schweikert, counselor, De Anza College Promise Program, requested Senate funding to host its first in-person graduation for promise students. The Promise Program with over 3,000 students is the largest student program in the district. Many are first generation, low income and students from underrepresented populations. An in-person event would give them the chance to celebrate with peers, faculty, mentors, and family in a meaningful way. They had 310 students petition for graduation, excluding transfers. The ceremony will include a certificate and a stole giving ceremony for the graduates.
Mark Landefeld: Recognizing students at graduation is very important. Recognition in the general commencement will provide an opportunity for the whole campus community to understand the impact of the Promise Program without excluding a promise only ceremony.
Charles Van Meurs, counselor and coordinator, Men of Color Program. The program has lost a lot of funding during COVID. They are looking for support to restore events and activities, like university visits, transportation, graduation, food etc.
Each request presented their needs for $10,000. The senate will discuss and consider partial or matching financial support for these requests. Both programs should work with the foundation to find community sponsorships, partnerships, and other sources of funding. This will help highlight De Anza programs in the community. President Torres suggested applying to the Innovation Grant.
Veronica Acevedo has extensive experience working with special programs on grant applications and getting funding from various sources for events like graduations and activities. Contact her for suggestions and help.
Alicia Mullens pointed out the need for guidance to request Senate financial support.
The Senate will bring this back for discussion in the Spring quarter.
VP Hiring Updates
The hiring timeline for the vice president of finance and administrative services has been extended. The hiring committee for the vice president of instruction was formed last week. Both processes should continue through the early spring quarter.
ASCCC, Academic Senate of California Community Colleges, Area B Meeting (hybrid)
Friday, 3/21 from 9 - 2, CCSF, City College of San Francisco. Everyone is welcome. Free to attend. Sign up online.
DASG Update
Andrew Pham, Social Media Officer, Chair of Marketing (starting spring), DASG
DASG election results are available There will be a runoff election for the environmental sustainability office.
DASG has approved the campus-wide equity rubric, also the resolution declaring Foothill/De Anza as a sanctuary district.
They approved the 2025-2026 DASG budget fund 41, the general fund.
De-stress event this Wednesday in the Fireside Lounge for students to pet dogs and cats
AI policy recommendations from COOL
Amy Leonard, AI Subcommittee
Other committee members: Diana Alves de Lima, Mohammed Akhoirshida
The Academic Senate tasked the Cool Committee with 3 objectives.
- Updates to the Academic Dishonesty policy related to the use of AI.
- Development of Faculty Guidelines/Best Practices
- Creation of Student Guidelines for responsible and ethical AI use in academic settings.
College Landscape
- Faculty have academic freedom to create their own policy.
- This gives faculty control over the policies in their class,
- Student affairs needs guidance from faculty and a clear policy that they can share with students.
- Professional development needs guidance as well.
The committee came back to the Senate with 3 items for approval.
Ask #1: Add the following policy to the De Anza College Student Rights and Responsibilities (slide 5)
De Anza College recognizes that Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools have a range of applications that can enhance student learning and support academic success. However, AI can also be misused in ways that undermine the learning process. If your instructor has established a course-specific policy on AI use, you are expected to follow those guidelines. In the absence of a specific policy, students must use AI tools in accordance with the De Anza College Student Rights and Responsibilities. This means ensuring that AI use does not misrepresent your knowledge, skills, or original work. If you are uncertain about appropriate AI use in your coursework, consult your instructor for clarification.
There was extensive discussion on this policy, especially the language for the sentence, “This means ensuring that AI use does not misrepresent your knowledge, skills, or original work,” and the definition of “original work.”
Cynthia Kaufman moved, Alicia Mullens seconded to approve with edits to the following wording “This means when students use AI the work submitted represents the students’ knowledge and skill.”
Yes 22, No 1, Abstain 1. Motion carried
Ask #2: Add the following to update the Faculty Academic Integrity Resources Handbook(slide 6)
De Anza College recognizes that Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools have diverse applications that can enhance student learning and support academic success. However, AI can also be misused in ways that bypass the learning process. Instructors are encouraged to clearly communicate course-specific guidelines on AI use, defining what constitutes responsible and ethical engagement within their class.
In the absence of a specific course policy, students are expected to adhere to the De Anza College Student Rights and Responsibilities by using AI tools in ways that do not misrepresent their knowledge, skills, or original work. Faculty may consider addressing AI use in their syllabi, assignments, and class discussions to foster transparency and academic integrity in an evolving educational landscape.
Cynthia Kaufman moved to approve, Veronica Acevedo seconded. No objection. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
Ask 3: Add to Training Materials for Faculty Academic Resources, 4 Options for Crafting a Policy for Students (slide 7)
Shagun Kaur moved to approve, Alicia Mullens seconded. No objection. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
Professional Development will conduct training to help faculty develop their policy.
In the Spring quarter, the Dean of Student Affairs will come to Senate to discuss how to apply the AI usage policies with the students.
AI Notetakers
Sherwin Mendoza moved to table agenda item. Mary Pape seconded. No objection.
Update on Sanctuary District Resolution
At last week’s Board meeting the Sanctuary District Resolution was not agendized. The Chancellor gave a presentation focused on what could go wrong if the district attracts the attention of the federal government with a lot of arguments against adopting the resolution. A number of people showed up at the board meeting to speak in support of becoming a sanctuary district.
The following day a committee was formed to review and strengthen the resolution by March 27th, the deadline for getting the item on the agenda for the April 7th Board meeting. The committee included the presidents of both colleges, the presidents of both senates, representatives from the classified senates, student government representatives, union presidents, and people who wrote and supported the resolution.
Cynthia Kaufman: There will be people going to the next meeting;
Shaila Ramos-García has put together a survey to poll students, faculty, staff, administrators, and community members about their support for the resolution.
FHDA Support of Sanctuary District Survey:
People were encouraged to share the poll link with their constituents and communities. Erik Woodbury will send an all-faculty email asking faculty to share the poll with their students
AB 1705 Resolution
Resolution on Supporting Student Success and Access in Math and English
AB 1705 was designed to shorten the time students are in Math and English programs by eliminating stand-alone pre-transfer classes. This means a STEM student's first class upon entering De Anza has to be MATH 1A. They got a reprieve in December that allowed them to offer pre-calculus classes for the next two years but to specifically qualified students.
The Math faculty crafted a resolution articulating their objection to AB1705. Math faculty advocated keeping pre-calculus classes at De Anza which help students with key skills in algebra and trigonometry. They wanted a return to offering stand-alone pre transfer coursework in math and English
Discussion to be continued
Priority Registration for MESA students
Yvette Campbell, Director, MESA STEM Program
Melissa Maturino, Counselor/Coordinator Math Success
Math, Engineering, Science and Achievement (MESA) is a state-funded program that supports educationally and economically disadvantaged students in pursuing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) degrees, with a focus on helping them excel in math and science. The MESA program has been around for over 30 years. De Anza was awarded money to start this program two years ago and has accomplished a great deal.
MESA provides academic support, tutoring, counseling, and resources to help students succeed. This type of resource is much needed at De Anza. They received almost 400 applications in one year. The program focuses on students pursuing calculus-based STEM majors, including science, engineering, math, and computer science. (Unfortunately some majors, like Nursing and Public Health are excluded)
The De Anza MESA counselor Melissa Maturino has confirmed eligibility requirements for 112 students. Their goal was to serve 120 students. MESA hosted 1-2 events per week ranging in topics on transfer, resume/cover letter, internship opportunities, conferences or field trips. Students not eligible for the program may join some events.
MESA fosters a sense of community and provides mentorship opportunities for students, connecting them with STEM professionals and industry leaders. De Anza tudents had NeuroCC Research Internships with Stanford University. MESA students may qualify for need-based financial aid and other resources. They have been able to offer MESA student scholarships. They have hired MESA ambassadors.
The Ask
MESA students (around 112 students but the goal is 120 students) to be included with Group 1-A priority registration. Most MESA students are currently in Group 3. That can delay the completion of their Education Plan by a year if they don’t get their required classes.
MESA student Rafael Vazquez shared about his challenges in registering for classes required for his major.
There were discussions about offering more classes. They were limited by the availability of appropriate classroom space, faculty, and staff.
Discussion to continue in the Spring quarter.
Recap of Winter 2025 and Looking forward to Spring
- Financial Report and Budget Proposal
- Elimination of the FW grade
- Curriculum presentations on course sunset, GE, disciplines, and FSAs
- Discussed and approved equity rubric
- Discussed and approved increasing part-time faculty compensation
- Discussed and approved AI policy
- Discussion on the Dear Colleague letter
- Approve funding for faculty to go to the AI conference
- Co-sponsored the Immigrants Right Conference
- Appointed faculty to a number of hiring and other committees.
- Campus safety resolution that will need sponsorship to continue.
Recognition and appreciation for James Talent who will be stepping down due to a scheduling conflict.
Representatives planning to step down should recruit new members to mentor and bring onboard for next year.
Good of the Order
Alicia Mullens: De Anza Memento Series, she will be speaking on the importance of transgender community in these really difficult times,
Pride Center 1:30
Cynthia Kaufman motioned, Jayanti Roy seconded, to adjourn, no objection. Meeting adjourned.
In person
Erik Woodbury, Patty Guitron, So Kam Lee
Veronica Avila Acevedo, Viviana Alcazar, *Sam Bliss, Barbara Dahlke, Umar Douglas, Kevin Glapion, Julie Hughes, Rusty Johnson, Cynthia Kaufman, Shagun Kaur, Sherwin Mendoza, Lisa Mesh, Alicia Mullens, Mary Pape, *Victor Pham, Christian Rodriguez, Jayanti Roy, Lakshmikanta "LK" Sengupta, Leah Smith, Ravjeet Singh, Sukhjit Bob Singh, Ishmael Tarikh, Lianna Wong
Mary Donahue, Mark Landefeld
James Adams, *Deborah Armstrong, James Capurso, Lauren Gordon, Mark Hamer, James Tallent
*Non-voting members
Meeting URL:
Meeting ID: 849 1703 5338
Passcode: 882827
Member | Remote Location | In District? |
Mary Donahue | MLC 243, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014 | Yes |
Shagun Kaur | F-31H, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014 | Yes |
Mark Landefeld | PE 51A, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014 | Yes |
Ravjeet Singh | F21-M, Building F2, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014 | Yes |