What We Do

Landscape Services maintains the outdoors spaces of the campus, including athletic fields, landscaping, parking lots, parking structures, roadways and walkways.

Environmental Sustainability

As part of our support for De Anza's sustainability program, the Landscape Services team and the Custodial Operations team are jointly responsible for collecting all trash generated on campus and for diverting recyclable materials from the waste stream.

Recyclable materials include metals, cardboard, paper, wood, a variety of plastics, glass, bottles and cans. Biodegradable materials are composted by our contractor, Recology, into a useable soil amendment for the campus landscape beds. This takes the place of expensive synthetic fertilizers.

Read about our single-stream recycling program.

Our Team

The Landscape Services team consists of six full-time employees working Monday through Friday under the Operations Manager. Starting in March 2022 the team began working in a zone maintenance model to support the campus’ 112 acres. Positive outcomes of zone maintenance modeling:

  • Equalize distribution of workload among team members
  • Enhance skill sets by mixing experience levels and working in a group
  • Creating mentorship opportunity for senior landscape team members
  • Exposure and learning opportunities for all team members on the entire site (instead of silos in individual areas)
  • Greater responsiveness to the issues within zones-in timeliness, skill, and results
  • Better problem solving (team decisions on the site together)
  • Team building work daily

The team is responsible for maintaining the entire college campus outdoor spaces, including the physical education athletic fields ensuring they are safe and properly set up for football, baseball, soccer, tennis and other special events.

In addition, the Landscape Services team works closely with Custodial Operations, the Physical Education and Athletics Division, the district facilities and operations department, as well as others. We strive to maintain strong relationships with students, faculty, staff and the public at large by supporting our exterior environments enjoyed by so many.

De Anza's Natural Landscape

The landscape of the campus accents its beauty. De Anza has more than 2,400 trees, with a significant population of native species – including several varieties of oak and sycamor, and a large population of coastal redwood trees. The natural beauty of native plantings as well as turf areas, together with drought -tolerant plant species and native grasses, further enhances the campus.

The Landscape Services team stays up-to-date with the latest techniques in landscaping, irrigation, athletic field maintenance and inventory control. Landscape projects are designed, completed and maintained with the goal of creating a sustainable college environment, based on sound economic practices and principles, while incorporating factors of social responsibility and a culturally diverse campus population.

Contact Us

Manny DaSilva


Office: (408) 864-8209

Office Location

Grounds and Custodial Warehouse
View on map

Hours of Operation
  • Monday-Saturday:
     6:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
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