Welcome to VIDA!

About VIDA

VIDA's mission is to empower students to become agents of change in their communities and beyond; to foster education that meets the needs of the communities we serve; and to help develop pathways to meaningful participation in local, state, and federal government decision-making processes.

VIDA logo

VIDA office is now OPEN TO ALL! Check out below for our office schedule in the spring 2024 quarter. 

Stand Up for Black Lives and Against White Supremacy

Young Black man wearing a face mask and holding a cardboard sign that says "Black Lives Matter" at an outdoor public demonstrationVIDA stands with those around the country, and the world, who are protesting the murder of George Floyd, and other Black people who have recently been murdered by the police.

 We need to keep fighting for change until the police no longer serve the interests of white supremacy. White supremacy remains a core part of every aspect of our society, from who gets loans for homes, to who is protected from COVID-19, to who is protected by police, and who is murdered by them. We will not stop our work until no more Black and Brown people are murdered by the police. We will not stop our work until White Supremacy is completely uprooted from our society. 

Engaged Learning

If you are looking for a community partner for your service learning class, visit our Engaged Learning webpage.

Donate to VIDA

students at state capitolVIDA could not exist without generous supporters who believe in the power of civic engagement. After the death of Senator Vasconcellos,  VIDA received an extraordinary pledge to perpetuate the vision of the Institute of Community and Civic Engagement. Community members Jim and Becky Morgan pledged a challenge grant of $198,000 over three years in honor of Senator Vasconcellos' long history of civic work. Your gift will help the program match their generous donation.

Important information to direct your gift to VIDA: 
  • Click the "Donate Now" button below.
  • Fill out the form with your information.
  • Under Program, choose "Other."
  • Type "VIDA" in the box and the amount you would like to donate.
Donate Now
For more information, contact Robin Latta at the Foothill-De Anza Foundation by emailing lattarobin@fhda.edu

Connect with us

Building: East Cottage

Director: Cynthia Kaufman

Program Coordinator: Dani Plascencia Delgado

  • Email:  plascenciadelgadodaniela@fhda.edu
  • Phone: 408.864.8993
  • Office Hours: Monday 1-3pm (online) and Thursday 1-3pm (in person).
  • Book an Appointment: Appointment via email

Student Staff: vidaofficestaff@gmail.com

Subscribe to our newsletter: http://eepurl.com/c-gqC5  

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