Topic IX : Primary Texts and Supporting References

Editing a Primary or Supporting Text

Adding a New Primary or Supporting Text

Deleting a Primary or Supporting Text

In Topic IX, you identify texts and references that the department evaluates and determines to be representative of college-level materials appropriate for the course.

The texts and references are categorized as primary texts and supporting texts organized under two sub-topics. You can list examples of texts under respective sections:

  • Sub-topic A: Examples of Primary Texts and References
    • Section A (1 – 5): You can list up to five texts and references
  • Sub-topic B: Examples of Supporting Texts and References
    • Section B (1 – 25): You can list up to 25 supporting texts and references

All courses should list information under both the sub-topics. You should list all texts and references in alphabetical order by the author's last name, and cite in the following format:

Author (last name, first name). "Complete title". City of publication: Name of Publisher, Date published.

Topic IX Example:

Primary and supporting texts

1. Lazere, Joel. Composition for Critical Thinking.. El Corral: California State Polytechnical University, 2003.

2. Madden-Simpson, Nicole. Emerging Voices, A Cross-Cultural Reader. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2004.


Editing a Primary or Supporting Text

You can add new texts/sections and modify existing texts and references by working in the edit mode. You should not edit headings of sub-topics.

To edit content in a text/section:

  1. Click on the [Edit] link under the desired section. The edit window opens. text edit
  2. Make changes in the text box in the edit window.
  3. Click on the [Save Changes] button.  save changes
Note: Do not edit the sub-topic information.

Adding a New Primary or Supporting Text

To add a new text/section to the sub-topic A or sub-topic B:

  1. Click on the [Add New Entry]. link at the top or bottom of the Edit View page. The edit window appears with an empty text box.
  2. Select the correct letter or number for the new entry from the drop down menu in the edit window.
  3. Enter the new text information in the text box in the format specified. adding text
  4. Click on the [Add New Entry] button to save the new section. A message confirming the addition displays in the edit window.
  5. Click on the [Edit View] link to view the changes in the Edit View page.

Note: Follow the format to enter the new text.

Author(Last, First), "Title", Place of publication: Publisher, Date of publication

Deleting a Primary or Supporting Text

You can add or delete texts/sections under both sub-topic A and sub-topic B. You should not edit, delete, move, or swap the sub-topics.

To delete a text:

  1. Click on the [Delete] link below the desired section. text delete
  2. Click on the [OK] button to delete. ok button
  3. Click on the [AB] icon to re-sort the remaining sections.

When you delete sections/texts under a sub-topic, the numbering of remaining sections does not automatically update. You must re-sort all the sections using the [AB] link. 

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