Topic X: Lab Topics

Editing a Lab Topic

Adding a Lab Topic

Deleting or Restoring a Lab Topic

Moving a Lab Topic

Swapping a Lab Topic

Reverting a Course Outline

You list the lab topics for all courses with designated lecture hours and lab hours. This is not required for lecture-lab or stand-alone lab courses.

List out the course lab topics as individual subtopics, such as X-A, X-B, etc;

 Topic X Example:

 lab example

Editing a Lab Topic

To edit a sub-topic/ lab topic:

  1. Navigate to the sub-topic under Topic X you want to revise in the Edit View page. lab edit
  2. Click on the [edit] link below the sub-topic.The edit window appears.
  3. Edit the information in the text box.
  4. Click on the [Save Changes] link. A message confirming the change displays.
  5. Click on the [Edit View] link to return to the course Edit View page to see the changes.

Adding a Lab Topic

To add a sub topic/lab topic:

  1. Navigate to the Edit View page of the desired course.
  2. Click on the [Add New Entry] link at the top or bottom of the page. lab add
  3. Select the correct letter or number for the sub-topic you want to add from the drop-down menus. Select blank for the field that does not apply.lab letter
  4. Input the information in the text box. 
  5. Click on the [Add New Entry] button. The edit window refreshes with a message confirming the latest addition.
  6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 to add more entries.
  7. Click on the [Edit View] link to view the new additions.

Deleting or Restoring a Lab Topic

To delete a sub-topic/lab topic:

  1. Click on the [M] link beneath the sub-topic you want to delete.
  2. Check the box next to the Delete option in the pop up box. lab delete
  3. Click on the [OK] button in the pop up box. The system strikes through the deleted content on the Edit View page.
  4. Click on the [AB] icon next to the “Topic X: Lab Topics” heading to re-sort the sub-topics affected by the deletion.
To restore a sub-topic/lab topic:
  1. Click on the [M] link under the sub-topic you want to restore. The sub-topic that was deleted lists with a strikethrough.
  2. Check the box next to [Un-delete] in the pop up box. labrestore
  3. Click on the [OK] button in the pop up box.
  4. Click on the [AB] button next to the “X. Lab Topics” heading to re-sort the sub-topics affected by the restoration.

Moving a Lab Topic

You can move or swap a sub-topic to relate to a different topic or to be listed in a different order.

To move a sub-topic/lab topic:

  1. Navigate to the subtopic you want to move.
  2. Click on the [M] link below the sub-topic.  A pop-up box appears. lab move
  3. Choose the new location for the sub-topic from the drop-down menu of letters. lab move letter
  4. Click on the [Move] button to move the sub-topic. The moving takes effect in a few seconds. The Edit View page refreshes.
  5. Click on the [AB] icon to re-sort the sub-topics.

Move is a one way move only, while swap is a two-way exchange.

Swapping a Lab Topic

The swap function enables you to exchange locations between two lab topics.

To swap two sub-topics/lab topics:

  1. Click on the [M] link below one of the desired sub-topics. A pop-up window appears.
  2. Choose the location of the other sub-topic with which you want to swap from the drop-down menu in the pop-up box.
  3.  Click on the [SWAP] button. A message appears informing you that the swap is in progress. The swap takes a few seconds and the Edit View page refreshes.

Reverting a Course Outline

At any time during the course of revising your outline you can erase ALL of your changes and restore the original outline by using the [Revert ENTIRE Outline] function located on the Topic I edit page. Use this function with extreme caution: once you revert your course outline you will lose all modifications you have made (Topic I through IX or X), and you cannot undo it.


Reverting a course outline eliminates all changes done to the outline since you claimed the course.

To revert a course outline:

  1. Click on the [edit] link next to Topic I. The edit outline cover information window opens. revert1
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the edit page to locate the [Revert ENTIRE Outline] button on the left hand corner.
  3. Click on the [Revert ENTIRE Outline] button. A pop-up box appears warning you of the consequences of the revert function. revert2
  4. Click on the [OK] button to revert. The course outline reverts to the original version undoing all the recent changes.

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