The Assessment Cycle at De Anza

Provides a means for continuous quality improvement for every program at De Anza College.

I think the best result of the student learning outcome process is that it causes an instructor to think about how they teach their course and provides some needed structure in order to do it.

Here's an analogy that works well for me in thinking about the SLO process.  Let's say you are someone who wants to live a healthier lifestyle, and thinking about how to make that happen seems so big and cumbersome that it becomes very difficult to do.  However, breaking that down to its components (exercise, diet, ending smoking, etc.) and then tackling each component individually makes this large task (living healthier) much more doable.  I feel that the process of SLOs helps to break down the process of student learning into these doable components.

-Jason Bram
Biology Instructor/Department Chair

assessment cycle

Summary of Instructional Assessments by Division

Biological, Health & Environmental Sciences

Business, Computer Science and Applied Technologies

Creative Arts

Intercultural/International Studies

  • Summary of Course Level Assessment Work (4/24/2018)

  • IIS PLO Assessments (4/24/2018)

  • IIS Cycle 2* SLO Assessments (4/24/2018)

Language Arts 

  • Summary of Course Level Assessment Work (4/24/2018)

  • LA PLO Assessments (4/24/2018)

  • LA Cycle 2* SLO Assessments (4/24/2018)

Physical Education/Athletics

  • Summary of Course Level Assessment Work (4/24/2018)

  • IIS PLO Assessments (4/24/2018)

  • IIS Cycle 2* SLO Assessments (4/24/2018)

Physical Science/Math/Engineering

Social Sciences and Humanities

NOTE: Meaning of “Cycle 2” of Assessments"

NOTE:  *“Cycle 2” of Assessments refers to direction given to each instructional department that all Student Learning Outcome statements need to be assessed between June 30, 2014 and June 30, 2019 regardless of the number of times assessed prior to June 30, 2018. Departments already at 100%: Business, Real Estate, Biology, Medical Laboratory Technician, Nursing, Italian, Korean, Mandarin, Physical Education, Economics

Summary of Assessments for Student Services Learning Outcomes

Summary of Assessments for Administrative Units Outcomes

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