Winter 2025 Class Listing
Adapted Physical Education Visit Department Website

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CRN Course Sec Seats Title Days Times Instructor Loc Class Info
01715 PEA 1X 01 WL Adapted Total Fitness
PEA -001X-01: New students must apply and register through Disability Support Services at Continuing students must register through Adapted Physical Education at
M·W·F·· 10:00 AM-10:50 AM Nathan Perkins PE13
38000 PEA 1X 02Y Open Adapted Total Fitness
PEA -001X-04Z: New students must apply and register through Disability Support Services at Continuing students must register through Adapted Physical Education at This is an online class that meets each week on scheduled days and times as noted in the class listing. Students must have access to a computer, the internet and an individual email address. Most De Anza classes will use the Canvas course management system. We recommend a laptop or desktop computer to successfully complete the course; a tablet or phone may not be adequate for all assignments and tests. Information about Canvas and Online Education Orientation can be found in Canvas on the Student Resources page: The Student Online Resources hub with extensive information and tips can be found at
·T·R··· 09:00 AM-09:50 AM Cindy Lee PE12L HY
38574 PEA 1X 03 Open Adapted Total Fitness
PEA D001X-03: New students must apply and register through Disability Support Services at Continuing students must register through Adapted Physical Education at
·T·R··· 09:00 AM-10:15 AM Nathan Perkins PE13
01727 PEA 2X 02 Open Adapted Strength Development
PEA -002X-02: New students must apply and register through Disability Support Services at Continuing students must register through Adapted Physical Education at
M·W·F·· 11:00 AM-11:50 AM Nathan Perkins PE13
01724 PEA 2X 03 WL Adapted Strength Development
PEA -002X-03: New students must apply and register through Disability Support Services at Continuing students must register through Adapted Physical Education at
·T·R··· 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Cindy Lee PE13 $0
38572 PEA 4X 01 WL Adapted Cardiovascular Training
PEA D004X-01: New students must apply and register through Disability Support Services at Continuing students must register through Adapted Physical Education at
M·W·F·· 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Casey Regehr PE13
01728 PEA 4X 02 WL Adapted Cardiovascular Training
PEA -004X-02: New students must apply and register through Disability Support Services at Continuing students must register through Adapted Physical Education at
·T·R··· 10:30 AM-11:45 AM Cindy Lee PE13 $0
37675 PEA 5X 01 Open Adapted Aquatic Exercise
PEA -005X-01: New students must apply and register through Disability Support Services at Continuing students must register through Adapted Physical Education at
M·W·F·· 10:30 AM-11:20 AM Casey Regehr POOLE
37676 PEA 5X 02 WL Adapted Aquatic Exercise
PEA -005X-02: New students must apply and register through Disability Support Services at Continuing students must register through Adapted Physical Education at
·T·R··· 05:30 AM-06:45 AM Casey Regehr POOLE
37672 PEA 15X 01 WL Adapted Aerobic Swimming
PEA-0015X-01: New students must apply and register through Disability Support Services at Continuing students must register through Adapted Physical Education at
M·W···· 05:30 AM-06:45 AM Casey Regehr POOLE
37674 PEA 15X 02 Open Adapted Aerobic Swimming
PEA-0015X-02: New students must apply and register through Disability Support Services at Continuing students must register through Adapted Physical Education at
M·W·F·· 11:30 AM-12:20 PM Casey Regehr POOLE
38001 PEA 15X 03 WL Adapted Aerobic Swimming
PEA-0015X-03: New students must apply and register through Disability Support Services at Continuing students must register through Adapted Physical Education at
·T·R··· 10:30 AM-11:45 AM Casey Regehr POOLE
39196 PEA 15X 04 WL Adapted Aerobic Swimming M·W·F·· 09:30 AM-10:20 AM Casey Regehr POOLE
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