Student Clubs related to STEM

Auto Tech

To further interest and enjoyment in the Auto Technology program and department.

Email: VernazzaPete"at"

Chemistry Club

To bring students who are interested in the field of chemistry together and allow students to benefit each other by performing demos, group activities and sharing their knowledge. We aim to provide opportunities to students at De Ana to develop scientific thought processes and help them to succeed in the field' Guild

Email: MuzziCinzia"at"  

Clean Energy Club

The purpose of the club is to acknowledge the students about the green energy majors and industry. We are planning to give students an idea about different aspects of green energy field such as green chemistry, solar energy, wind energy, and etc. Also, we are planning to work closely with Environmental Science department, and contribute in volunteering activities in Environmental fields inside the campus

Email: da.cleanenergyclub"at"

Developer's Guide

The Developers Guild aims to explore Computer Science through hands-on experience. As a guild we strive to become involved with the Silicon Valley community to connect with all the opportunities around us. Members are strongly encouraged to contribute ideas and questions to form a collaborative atmosphere.

Email: contact"at"

Engineering Technology Club

The purpose of this club is to provide opportunities and aid to prospective engineering student at De Anza and to promote the field of engineering to the community.

Email: deanzaengineeringclub"at"

Hello World!//CODE SQUAD

Develop programming skills among motivated peers in a positive an inclusive environment. Coding is awesome!
Meetings: Fri 11:30-1:30pm ATC 205


Math Club

The purpose of the club is to bring students who are interested in mathematics together and positively influence their math study.

Email: RashidNahrin"at"

Physics Club

The purpose of this club is to create an environment of increased understanding for the study of physics and to mature student faculty relationship by creating a physics community.

Meetings: Fri 2:30pm at S11

Statistics Club

Our club aims to provide students a broader understanding of statistical approaches of solving real world problems through the field experiences of guest speakers and the participation of research projects. In addition, as a part of our contribution to local communities, members will actively speak out middle schools with low socioeconomic status and offer tutoring as well as short presentations of the interest to the middle school students.

Email: DesiletsLenore"at"

Student Nurses Organization (SNO)

Informs, guides and supports nursing students.


Students Success

The purpose of this club is to help students strengthen their professional skills by interacting preparing them for success in the business world. The officers will communicate these lessons through public speaking activities, resume writing workshops, team building simulations, volunteering opportunities, and inactive preparation techniques.

Email: TarikhIshmael"at"

Medical Outreach Association

The Medical Outreach Association engages prospective health and medical students to explore the field through philanthropic activities and outreach in public health. Organizations that we support but are not limited to, include the Prosthetic Outreach Foundation and the Stanford – Papua New Guinea-Nepal Medical Project, a branch of Stanford Emergency Medicine International (SEMI). Joining M.O.A. provides members the opportunity to evaluate their interests in medical and health careers.

Email: deanzamoa"at"
Facebook: Medical Outreach Association

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