What is a citation?


A citation or bibliographic citation is a reference to a book, article, web page, or other published item, with sufficient detail to identify the item. The two most commonly used citation styles (at De Anza College) are MLA, Modern Language Association, and APA, American Psychological Association.

  • Research and Citation is a website from Perdue University that shows APA, MLA and other styles.
  • Popular, Scholarly or Trade? How can you tell the difference? This website from the University of Texas explains the differences.
  • Evaluating Information Found on the Internet Can you trust the information you find on the Internet? Is it propaganda? Misinformation? or have a bias? This website from Johns Hopkins University Library can help you develop some skills to evaluate what you find.
  • NoodleTools is an online citation organization tool that helps you collate, organze, and present citations for projects, papers, and general research. Here comes a brief tutorial to get started.

Still have questions? Consider enrolling in a one-unit LIB1 Library Research Skills class, taught by James Adams, our Instructional and Equity Librarian.

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