Jennah Shagan

Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time

Almost a decade ago Libya was part of the Arab Spring. This painting was modeled from a photo taken on February 17th, 2012, the first year after the revolution. A random stranger was helping us with the lantern that we lit in support of the martyrs (and their families) who died in the revolution. That night the whole city was out on the streets lighting lanterns, singing and dancing, people were genuinely hopeful.

  • Acrylic paint
  • 16” x 20”

Two Ends of a Rope

Two Ends of a Rope

In this drawing I wanted to talk about the issues that come with being a Muslim Arab American. The girl is trying to fit in to two very different cultures, which is why they are at the opposite sides of the paper. By doing that she is denying a part of herself just to fit in.

  • Mixed media
  • 16” x 20”



I decided to redesign the Libyan flag to express how I see my country today. I spilled the red over the whole painting because I feel like no matter how much blood has fallen, it doesn’t seem enough for the people in power to think, “maybe we should stop.” I used 42 canvases to represent the 42 19 year old’s who died because a missile was dropped on a military academy in the capital of Tripoli.

  • Acrylic Paint
  • 34" x 40"

C Me

C Me

This drawing talks about a problem that is considered taboo, especially in men. It’s basically about a guy stepping back to look at and check in with himself, see if he is okay.

  • Mixed Media
  • 16” x 20”

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