Page 33 - Catalog 2019-2020 Flipbook
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During public events on campus, the college may take photographs or video recordings that may appear in informational or promotional materials, including the college website, social media, printed collateral and advertising. If you prefer not to have your image recorded or used, please notify the photographer or videographer.
De Anza follows state and local requirements for priority enrollment. These are intended to help new students get started by following important steps for success and to reward continuing students who are making steady progress toward their goals.
To qualify for priority enrollment, students must follow these steps
three or more quarters. Learn more at A student’s major and educational goal may be changed through MyPortal.
In order to receive priority enrollment, students cannot have completed more than 150 quarter units in degree-applicable courses. W and I grades are not included. Pre-collegiate English, ESL and Math classes do not count toward the 150 units.
Priority Enrollment Order
In accordance with state and local regulations, students will be assigned registration dates in the following order. 1. Veterans, Foster Youth, DSPS,
EOPS, CalWorks and Tribal TANF students who have completed orientation, assessment and an educational plan.
2. Student athletes who have
■ Selected an educational goal of
transfer, degree or certificate
■ Declared a major and have not
been on probation for two
consecutive terms
■ Completed orientation,
assessment and an educational
3. Continuing students who have
■ Selected an educational goal of transfer, degree or certificate
■ Declared a major and have not been on probation for two consecutive terms
■ Completed orientation, assessment and an educational plan
Prerequisites, corequisites and advisories are 3. intended to guide students into courses in which they will have the greatest chance for academic success.
■ Prerequisite means a condition that a student is required to meet in order to demonstrate current readiness for a course or educational program.
■ Corequisite means a course
that a student is required to 4. simultaneously take in order to
enroll in a course or educational program.
■ Advisory or recommended
preparation means a condition
that a student is advised, but not required, to meet before or in 5. conjunction with enrollment in a
course or educational program.
Challenging Prerequisites
Students may challenge prerequisites and corequisites if they can demonstrate that
■ They have the knowledge or ability to succeed in the course without the prerequisite or corequisite.
■ The prerequisite or corequisite has been established in an arbitrary manner.
■ The prerequisite is discriminatory or is applied in a discriminatory manner.
■ The prerequisite course is not reasonably available.
To challenge a prerequisite, contact the Evaluations Department for the appropriate next steps at
Declare a major on their application – not "Undecided."
Select a goal of transfer, degree or certificate.
Complete the assessment process. Most students can be assessed on the basis of their U.S. high school transcripts and GPA. De Anza also has a Guided Self-Placement tool for students who did not attend a U.S. high school in recent years. Advanced Placement exam results and completion of college-level coursework may also be considered. Learn more at Complete orientation. Orientation provides important information students need to succeed in college. The requirement may be fulfilled either through an orientation workshop or the online orientation. See link.deanza. edu/orientation for details.
Create an educational plan through DegreeWorks. New students develop an abbreviated educational plan for their first one or two quarters. Continuing students should have a comprehensive educational plan for