Page 31 - Catalog 2019-2020 Flipbook
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final in the absence of mistake, fraud, bad faith or incompetency.” If students believe corrections should be made within the above restriction, they should first talk to their instructors. Corrections must be initiated within two years of completing any course in which a grade is being disputed.
Grade definitions are as follows:
transcript until the student has either officially withdrawn (W) or a grade has been assigned.
RD Report Delayed. The RD symbol may be assigned by the Office of Admissions and Records only. It is to be used when there is a delay in reporting the grade of a student due to circumstances beyond the control of the student. It is a temporary notation to be replaced by a permanent symbol as soon as possible.
W A W is assigned when a student drops a class after the first two weeks of a regular 12-week term or, if the term is shorter, after 20% of the course duration has passed. A W will be assigned whenever a student drops a class after 20-75% of the term has passed. While a W will not be used in calculating GPA, it will be used as a factor in probation and dismissal procedures. (See section on “Progress Probation.”) A W is also used to calculate enrollment limits. In other words, students may not enroll in the same course more than three times, including times when W or substandard grades are received.
EW Excused Withdrawal. An EW is assigned when a student is permitted to withdraw from a course due to specific events beyond the student’s control, which affect their ability to complete the course. An EW can only be awarded if a student files a petition form providing documentation to prove a “verifiable reason.” A list of examples is included on the petition form and on the Admissions and Records website. In the absence of the petition and documentation, a grade will be assigned to the student record. The EW symbol may be assigned at any time after the deadline to drop a course without receiving a W. An EW is not counted in progress probation and dismissal calculations. It is not counted toward the permitted number of withdrawals or as an enrollment attempt.
MW Military Withdrawal. An MW is assigned when a student who is a member of an active or reserve U.S. military service receives orders compelling them to withdraw from a course. Upon verification of such orders, an MW will be assigned at
any time after the deadline to drop a course without receiving a W. An MW is not counted in progress probation and dismissal calculations. It is not counted toward the permitted number of withdrawals or as an enrollment attempt.
P-NP Courses
De Anza College uses the P-NP grade for courses authorized by the Board of Trustees and state regulations under Title 5. Students must request the P/NP option within the first 30% of the course, either online or through the Admissions and Records Office.
■ Some courses are P/NP only and
a letter grade cannot be assigned. Check the course description for information on grade type for the course. Letter grades are not available in these courses.
■ Other courses may allow the P-NP option. Students should be aware that some transfer schools may not accept P-NP as an option, and once the P-NP option has been chosen, it cannot be reversed per state regulations.
■ No more than 30 quarter Pass (P) units can be applied toward De Anza College degrees.
For a major or area of emphasis, each course toward the unit requirement of this subdivision must be completed with a grade of C or better.
For General Education requirements, “satisfactorily completed” means either credit earned on a “pass-no pass” basis or a grade point average of 2.0 or better in community college
Units earned in P-NP will not be calculated in the GPA; however, NP shall be considered when determining Academic Progress, probation and dismissal procedures. (See section on Progress Probation)
Evaluative Symbols
A+ Excellent A Excellent A- Excellent B+ Good
B Good
B- Good
C+ Satisfactory
C Satisfactory
D+ Passing, less than satisfactory 1.3 D Passing, less than satisfactory 1.0 D- Passing, less than satisfactory 0.7
F Failing
FW Failing
This grade indicates that a student has stopped participating in a course after the last day to officially withdraw, without achieving a final passing grade, and the student has not received col- lege authorization to withdraw under extenuating circumstances.
P Pass (at least satisfactory – units awarded not counted in GPA). This grade is assigned to those courses in which student achievement is evalu- ated on a Pass-No Pass basis rather than a letter grade (A, B, C, etc.). P-NP courses are so designated in the Announcement of Courses section of the catalog.
NP No Pass (less than satisfactory, or fail- ing–units not counted in GPA). Not attaining course objectives. (Does not affect grade point average at De Anza.)
Non-Evaluative Symbols
(Not to be used in calculating GPA)
I Incomplete. This indicates incomplete academic work for unforeseeable, emergency and justifiable reasons at the end of the term. At least 75% of the class must have been completed to
qualify for Incomplete status.
IP In Progress. The IP symbol denotes that the student is registered for this course, and the grading period is not complete. In Progress work will not appear on a student’s transcript until the term has officially begun. It will remain on the
Grade Points
4.0 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0