Page 32 - Catalog 2019-2020 Flipbook
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An application for graduation must be completed and submitted to the Admissions Office prior to receiving a degree or certificate. Students should regularly perform a degree audit through DegreeWorks (see page 10) to monitor academic progress in reaching educational goals and meeting graduation requirements. In the quarter preceding the quarter in which a student plans to graduate, a detailed review and comparison of completed coursework should be done. This will allow time to make any necessary schedule changes. Students may seek assistance from a counselor/adviser as needed.
Degrees are awarded at the end of all terms.
Students who have achieved a cumulative De Anza College GPA between 3.30
and 4.0 will be awarded associate degree honors at graduation, as follows.
4.00: Highest Honors, Summa Cum Laude 3.50-3.99: High Honors, Magna Cum Laude 3.30-3.49: Honors, Cum Laude
Service Schools
Students may receive college credit for military service schools by submitting a copy of their DD214 or DD295 or Army/ American Council on Education Registry transcript. A request for evaluation must be made by seeing a counselor or contacting the Evaluations Office.
Basic Military Training
Nine units of credit are awarded for basic military training including three units of Area E: physical education, four units of Area E: personal development, and two units of elective credit.
De Anza College shall take all steps necessary to provide a positive educational and employment environment that encourages
equal educational opportunities. The college will actively seek to educate staff and students on the deleterious effects of expressions of hatred or contempt based on race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, or physical or psychological disability; and will promote equality and mutual respect and understanding among all groups and individuals.
De Anza College will not tolerate behavior that infringes on the safety of any student. A student shall not intimidate, harass another student through words or actions. Such behavior includes direct physical contact, such as hitting or shoving; verbal assaults, such as teasing or name- calling; social isolation or manipulation; and cyberbullying by any means including email, text and social networks or media.
The goal of the Foothill-De Anza district is to provide a safe learning and working environment for students and employees. Smoking is prohibited in all indoor and outdoor campus locations, with the exception of designated parking lots. This includes e-cigarettes.
In addition, the district does not allow use of marijuana or cannabis products on campus. These are prohibited under federal law.
Smoking is prohibited in district vehicles. “No Smoking” signs shall be conspicuously posted at building entrances and in employee lounges, rest rooms, locker rooms, dressing areas, cafeterias, lunchrooms, and stadium and sports facilities. In addition, designated parking lot areas for smoking areas will be clearly marked. Those rules are based on California Government Code Section 7596 and district Board Policy 3217. Noncompliance will result in fines.
Certain educational programs require off- campus attendance for scheduled field trips and excursions. Unless the course syllabus or the instructor state otherwise, students
are responsible for arranging their own transportation. under state regulations (Title 5, § 55220(h)), each student making a field trip or excursion shall be deemed to have waived all claims against the district for injury, accident, illness or death occurring during, or by reason of, the field trip or excursion by completing the required Student Field Trip/Excursion Agreement Voluntary Assumption of Risk Form.
It is the policy of the Foothill-De Anza district that every course – unless specifically exempted by statute – will be open to any student who has been admitted to the college and meets the class prerequisites. This policy applies to courses which must report the class average daily attendance for state aid purposes. See Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations.
All parking requires a paid fee or permit. Visitors, students and staff are required to observe all campus parking and traffic regulations enforced year-round by the Foothill-De Anza district police. Failure to comply may subject violators to municipal citations.
Staff parking areas are identified by signs and yellow striping for stalls. Student park- ing areas are identified by white striping for stalls. Disabled parking areas are marked with signs and blue striped stalls.
College quarterly and annual decals are available online and from the cashier's office. One-day permits can be purchased from machines in the parking lots. Daily parking permits cost $3. Permit machines take credit cards and cash; no change is provided.
The maximum speed limit is 25 miles per hour on perimeter roads and 10 miles per hour within parking lots. No person shall operate a bicycle, moped or skateboard upon any pedestrian walkway, ramp or patio located within the college campus.
* Foothill-De Anza’s Administrative Procedures: Investigation and Resolution of Complaints Regarding Harassment and Discrimination, Procedures to Resolve Student Complaints of Sexual Harassment and Discrimination, and the district’s Unlawful Discrimination Complaint forms are available in the president’s office, the office of the vice president for Student Services, the district human resources office, and the district chancellor’s office. Detailed information regarding the sexual harassment, mutual respect, and ADA policies are located at the following campus locations: the president's office, the office of the vice president for Student Services and the office of the dean of Student Development in Student Services.