Page 34 - Catalog 2019-2020 Flipbook
P. 34
4. New college students who have
■ Completed assessment,
orientation and an educational
■ Selected an educational goal of
transfer, degree or certificate
■ Declared a major
5. New college students who have
■ Selected an educational goal of
transfer, degree or certificate
■ Declared a major and have
not been on probation for
two consecutive terms but have not completed assessment, orientation or an educational plan
6. Returning students and new transfer students who have
■ Selected an educational goal of
transfer, degree or certificate
■ Declared a major and have
not been on probation for two
consecutive terms
7. All other college students, including
continuing students who have not declared a major or who have not selected an educational goal of transfer, degree or certificate
8. Concurrently enrolled high school students
The most current information on priority enrollment is available at
Academic probation occurs when a student has attempted a total of 18 quarter units and earned a cumulative GPA of less than 2.0. Students will be placed on academic probation each quarter (excluding summer) as long as their cumulative GPA is below 2.0. Students will advance to the next level of academic probation in each consecutive enrolled quarter in which they do not earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0.
Progress probation occurs when a student has enrolled in at least 18 quarter units, as shown by the official academic record, and has received entries of F, W, I, NP or NC for 50% or more of those units.
A student who is on academic probation is subject to dismissal if the student’s cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 for all units attempted in each of five consecutive quarters.
A student who is on progress probation is subject to dismissal if the student receives an F, W, I, NP or NC for 50% or more of the units enrolled in at least five consecutive quarters.
State regulations that took effect in fall 2016 may affect a student’s eligibility for the California College Promise. Visit to learn more. Information about De Anza’s probation policy can be found at deanza. edu/counseling/probation.
Academic Reinstatement
(Readmission After Dismissal)
The board of trustees for the Foothill- De Anza district has established procedures under state law for students to petition for reinstatement to De Anza College. Students must submit a new application for admission and meet with a counselor to review their academic goals and other matters relevant to a successful educational experience. If a counselor recommends approval, the petition must be submitted to the Appeal Review Committee. Students who petition for reinstatement must describe their educational goals, the courses they wish to take in a specific quarter and the factors that have changed which now cause them to expect success.
Important Note:
The De Anza College Probation/Dismissal system might not accurately reflect the correct academic probation status for students who have enrolled at both Foothill College and De Anza. Students who are enrolled within the current quarter at both colleges or have an academic history with both colleges, should contact a counselor at De Anza for assistance regarding their probation or dismissal status at De Anza.
If at any time students attend both De Anza and Foothill College in the Foothill- De Anza district, it is their responsibility to keep track of their grades to ensure
that they remain in good standing at each college. Although students may be in good standing at Foothill College, if at De Anza they fall below the required academic performance, the above probation and dismissal procedures will apply to them at De Anza.
Any regulations adopted by the faculty and administration of the college shall have the same force as a printed regulation in the catalog and shall supersede, upon public announcement, by posting on official bulletin boards and by announcement, any ruling on the same subject that may appear in the catalog or other official bulletins of the college.
De Anza College will not tolerate any form of sexual assault, including rape, on college property or at any college- sponsored event. The college realizes that these situations may or may not be deemed criminal offenses and therefore may have to be handled both internally through college administrative action and externally by the appropriate law enforcement agency. Within the college, allegations of sexual assault or rape will be fully investigated by the college administration. Disciplinary sanctions may include suspension or expulsion for students or suspension or termination for employees.
The standards of conduct for students and the applicable sanctions for violating those standards are outlined in the policies and procedures of the Foothill-De Anza Community College District, including
■ Administrative Procedure 5510: Student Code of Conduct
■ Administrative Procedure 5520: Student Due Process and Discipline
■ Administrative Procedure 5500: Student Rights and Responsibilities
■ Board Policy 4630: Sexual Assault Policy
* Foothill-De Anza’s Administrative Procedures: Investigation and Resolution of Complaints Regarding Harassment and Discrimination, Procedures to Resolve Student Complaints of Sexual Harassment and Discrimination, and the district’s Unlawful Discrimination Complaint forms are available in the president’s office, the office of the vice president for Student Services, the district human resources office, and the district chancellor’s office. Detailed information regarding the sexual harassment, mutual respect, and ADA policies are located at the following campus locations: the president's office, the office of the vice president for Student Services and the office of the dean of Student Development in Student Services.