General Meeting Information
Date: May 6,
Time: 12:30 PM
Location: Online
CTE Steering Committee Meeting
Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader 12:30 - 1:30PM CTE Resource Allocation & Budget Distribution I/D/A All A = Action
D = Discussion
I = Information -
Attendance Present - Cecillia Deck
- Daniel Smith
- Dave Capitolo
- Elvin Ramos
- Helen Pang
- Jeff Staudinger
- Margaret Bdzil
- Mark Sherby
- Mary Pape
- Maureen Miramontes
- Max Gilleland
- Mike Appio
- Moaty Fayek
- Randy Bryant
- Shinny Duong
- Susan Tavernetti
- Thomas Bailey
- Tricia Buchner
- Trisha Tran
- Vins Chacko
- Yvonne Mills
CTE/Workforce Steering committee arranged a special zoom meeting to review the CTE resource request allocation started with a warm welcome from the Division Dean at 12:30 PM.
CTE Resource Request Allocation
Randy Bryant
CTE Steering committee reviewed the resource request allocation worksheet in depth. Each department reviewed their sections and updated them as needed.
Worksheet Details:
- All items highlighted in green are already purchased / on procurement using SWP Round 4 budget.
- All items with yellow highlights need to be discussed and approved before processing the purchases. They may require much coordination with facilitates, ETS, dean, VPI, etc., to confirm they are allowable to use the grant budgets. We also have to make sure we are not supplanting.
CTE Steering committee approved the following proposal to be submitted to the IPBT for approval. The allocated budget summary is captured below, and the complete worksheet is made available to the IPBT and CTE Steering committee. Each division is allowed to buy "critical" items listed on the worksheet up to the proposed budget allocation. Each department/division is responsible for prioritizing an itemized resource allocation list to purchase items within the allocated budget. CTE department may use the division's priority list to navigate and track the allocated budget. There was no objection to the proposal. Randy will forward the proposal to IPBT to approve and process through the College Council.
Randy reminded the committee that each department needs to work with the deans to prioritize the resource allocation list. CTE will start processing the requisitions as soon as the IPBT and College Council approves the proposal. We may begin the purchases as early as July 2021 but before June 2022. The leftover budgets may allocate to other departments if not spend by the grant due dates.
The CTE Steering Committee approved the budget proposal as follows and recommended to forward to the IPBT for review:
Proposed Total Budget to spend (SWP & Perkins) ~ $2,600,000
******* CTE Steering Committee Proposed *******
(Ongoing & Salary)
SWP Allocation
Perkins Allocation
SWP & Perkins
$ 42,000
$ 42,000
$ 84,000
$ 14,000
$ 14,000
$ 30,000
$ 30,000
$ 60,000
$ 40,000
$ 40,000
Meeting Adjourned at 12:50PM.