
"Throughout most of my life, what I knew about Asian American history was what I learned from history textbooks -- so, not a lot! I personally wasn’t aware of how deprived I was of certain stories, especially from the perspectives of other Asian Americans."

– An Nguyen, De Anza student

ASAM Participates in NEH Award to De Anza 

ASAM will curate stories of Asian American experiences, including oral histories of San Jose’s Japantown, and the development of Asian American Studies at De Anza.

Why Asian American and Asian Studies? 

If you want to ...

  • Explore what it means to be Asian American
  • Imagine and create Asian America
  • Dig into the history of the U.S. and its entanglements with power
  • Question assumptions about nation and belonging
  • Trace current-day complexities of race, gender, class, and identity
  • Advocate for Asian Americans and racial justice astutely and effectively
  • Build community with Asian Americans and beyond

... then our program is for you!

If you're interested in Pacific Islander/Pacific Islands/Oceania Studies and the Pacific Islander community at De Anza, check out Native American and Indigenous Studies (specifically NAIS 31) and the learning community called IMPACT AAPI. Although the term "Asian American Pacific Islander" (or "Asian Pacific American") is commonly used to draw Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders into one undifferentiated grouping, ASAM recognizes the complex pan-ethnic nature of both "Asian American" and "Pacific Islander."

At De Anza, we approach Asian American Studies (ASAM) and Pacific Islander/Pacific Islands/Oceania Studies (NAIS) as two distinctive fields. We welcome you to check out both!

We Build Community

students sitting and talking on lawn

De Anza’s Asian American and Asian Studies community is inclusive and supportive, whether you are a student looking to transfer, enrolled career technical training, a working adult, or a lifelong learner pursuing personal enrichment!

The Asian American and Asian Studies department invites you to ask lots of questions – about Asian Americans, the diasporic worlds of Asian America, and configurations of power. In searching for answers, we collectively build the community that is Asian American and Asian Studies.

Manny De Leon

An Nguyen

Mariamwit Giday

“We have the choice to show the world that we exist beyond our complexion, and walk confidently as role models for those who want fair treatment and opportunity to grow.”

– Asian American Studies Student, De Anza

Courses, Certificate and Programs

The Asian American and Asian Studies department offers many courses and a Certificate of Achievement in Asian American Studies.

In collaboration with campus and community partners, our department also connects with civic leadership training across different ages, a year-long cohort program, and scholarships:

"I think that learning about immigration policies in American history was particularly important for me to understand given the current political climate and contemporary issues surrounding immigration."

– Asian American Studies Student, De Anza 


Mae Lee

Mae Lee
Department Chair


Office Location

F3 31L
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