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Student Elections
Preview of Election
2024-2025 DASG Chair of Finance
DASG Chair of Finance
Zain Darwish
DASG Chair of Finance
My goal is to make sure there is fiscal responsibility within De Anza's financing and that there is efficiency in managing the schools budget. I am more than qualified to take on this role because my senior year of high school I was the class treasurer and my major deals with the managing of money. I'm taking accounting and economics which requires me to understand money as well as account for it. I will make sure to allocate money where it needs to be allocated and that there is enough money to throw great events all throughout the school year. My goal is to make your De Anza experience the best possible experience!
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Aditya Sharma
DASG Chair of Finance
I am eager to foster a supportive community at De Anza on which I can leave my impact. I am passionate about making decisions that lead to the betterment of the student body. I believe I would act as an excellent student representative by making the wishes of the students heard. I would create more opportunities for on-campus jobs and enrich student programs on campus, improving the overall experience that students have at De Anza. As an intern in the Finance Committee over the last year, I actively participated in the 2024-25 finance budget deliberations and gained experience with the technicalities involved with both managing and distributing funds. With years of technical and leadership experience as a former student council member, I am ready to play my part in making De Anza a better experience for everyone. I also aim to make the senate more accessible to the general student body and hold the DASG accountable to your questions. You can trust me with money :)
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Yan Ming Teng
DASG Chair of Finance
One of my goals as Chair of Finance is increasing the amount of input from the student population in order to make better decisions when allocating money to our important programs. This is important to my other goal as well, which is to lead the finance committee in adapting to a post-Covid budget that is still stabilizing. I am currently an intern in this year's finance committee and have actively participated in budget deliberations. As an economic major, I used this experience to take note of the efficiencies and inefficiencies of the process. As such, I have a clear idea of what has been done and what still needs to be done.
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Chetnaa Prasad
DASG Chair of Finance
Hello De Anza Lions! My name is Chetnaa Prasad, and I am running to be your DASG Chair of Finance. Over the past few months, I've had the pleasure of getting to know this campus and its community, and I believe it's time for me to give back in an impactful way. As a student who is heavily involved on campus, I know how important the allocation of resources is, and I know how much of a positive impact my role would make on the student body as a whole. If elected, I will work with the entire finance committee to ensure that all DASG funds and accounts are managed effectively and ethically. My main goal as Chair of Finance is to continue supporting students' ambitions with DASG funds by financing campus events, clubs, ICC programs, and important campus services that enhance the student experience. I hope I can count on your vote today, so I can help make your life better tomorrow...
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