Fall 2024 Class Listing
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Course Prefix

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CRN Course Sec Seats Title Days Times Instructor Loc Class Info
28381 APRN 50A 62 Full Introduction to Automotive Principles
APRN-50A-62: Fully ON CAMPUS. This course is only for employees of new car dealerships from the Local 1101 Union or from the City of San Jose and meets each week on scheduled days and times as noted in the class listing. Students must have access to a computer, the internet and an individual email address. Most De Anza classes will use the Canvas course management system. We recommend a laptop or desktop computer to successfully complete the course; a tablet or phone may not be adequate for all assignments and tests. Information about Canvas and Online Education Orientation can be found in Canvas on the Student Resources page: https://deanza.instructure.com/courses/3382. The Student Online Resources hub with extensive information and tips can be found at deanza.edu/online-ed/students/remotelearning.
··W···· 06:00 PM-09:50 PM Bill Wishart E12A
28382 APRN 50B 61 Full Applied Automotive Principles
APRN-50B-61: Fully ON CAMPUS. This course is only for employees of new car dealerships from the Local 1101 Union or from the City of San Jose and meets each week on scheduled days and times as noted in the class listing. Students must have access to a computer, the internet and an individual email address. Most De Anza classes will use the Canvas course management system. We recommend a laptop or desktop computer to successfully complete the course; a tablet or phone may not be adequate for all assignments and tests. Information about Canvas and Online Education Orientation can be found in Canvas on the Student Resources page: https://deanza.instructure.com/courses/3382. The Student Online Resources hub with extensive information and tips can be found at deanza.edu/online-ed/students/remotelearning.
M······ 06:00 PM-07:15 PM Bill Wishart E12A
LAB M······ 07:30 PM-09:45 PM
28143 APRN 60 61 Open Automotive Electrical Systems
APRN-60-61: Fully ON CAMPUS. This course is only for employees of new car dealerships from the Local 1101 Union or from the City of San Jose and meets each week on scheduled days and times as noted in the class listing. Students must have access to a computer, the internet and an individual email address. Most De Anza classes will use the Canvas course management system. We recommend a laptop or desktop computer to successfully complete the course; a tablet or phone may not be adequate for all assignments and tests. Information about Canvas and Online Education Orientation can be found in Canvas on the Student Resources page: https://deanza.instructure.com/courses/3382. The Student Online Resources hub with extensive information and tips can be found at deanza.edu/online-ed/students/remotelearning.
M·W···· 06:00 PM-10:15 PM Ivan Kojnok E12B
28144 APRN 60 62 Open Automotive Electrical Systems
APRN-60-62: Fully ON CAMPUS. This course is only for employees of new car dealerships from the Local 1101 Union or from the City of San Jose and meets each week on scheduled days and times as noted in the class listing. Students must have access to a computer, the internet and an individual email address. Most De Anza classes will use the Canvas course management system. We recommend a laptop or desktop computer to successfully complete the course; a tablet or phone may not be adequate for all assignments and tests. Information about Canvas and Online Education Orientation can be found in Canvas on the Student Resources page: https://deanza.instructure.com/courses/3382. The Student Online Resources hub with extensive information and tips can be found at deanza.edu/online-ed/students/remotelearning.
·T·R··· 06:00 PM-10:15 PM Ivan Kojnok E12B
28168 APRN 60A 95 Full Electrical Schematic Diagnosis
APRN-60A-95: Fully ON CAMPUS. This course is only for employees of new car dealerships from the Local 1101 Union or from the City of San Jose and meets each week on scheduled days and times as noted in the class listing. Students must have access to a computer, the internet and an individual email address. Most De Anza classes will use the Canvas course management system. We recommend a laptop or desktop computer to successfully complete the course; a tablet or phone may not be adequate for all assignments and tests. Information about Canvas and Online Education Orientation can be found in Canvas on the Student Resources page: https://deanza.instructure.com/courses/3382. The Student Online Resources hub with extensive information and tips can be found at deanza.edu/online-ed/students/remotelearning.
M·W···· 06:00 PM-10:15 PM Gerilowie Escalona E12F
28169 APRN 60B 96 Full Automotive Electronics M·W···· 06:00 PM-10:15 PM Gerilowie Escalona E12F LQ
25343 APRN 60F 95 Open No-Start Diagnosis
APRN-60F-95: Fully ON CAMPUS. This course is only for employees of new car dealerships from the Local 1101 Union or from the City of San Jose and meets each week on scheduled days and times as noted in the class listing. Students must have access to a computer, the internet and an individual email address. Most De Anza classes will use the Canvas course management system. We recommend a laptop or desktop computer to successfully complete the course; a tablet or phone may not be adequate for all assignments and tests. Information about Canvas and Online Education Orientation can be found in Canvas on the Student Resources page: https://deanza.instructure.com/courses/3382. The Student Online Resources hub with extensive information and tips can be found at deanza.edu/online-ed/students/remotelearning.
·T·R··· 06:00 PM-10:15 PM Gerilowie Escalona E12F
25345 APRN 60G 96 Open Advanced Scan Tool Diagnosis
APRN-60G-96: Fully ON CAMPUS. This course is only for employees of new car dealerships from the Local 1101 Union or from the City of San Jose and meets each week on scheduled days and times as noted in the class listing. Students must have access to a computer, the internet and an individual email address. Most De Anza classes will use the Canvas course management system. We recommend a laptop or desktop computer to successfully complete the course; a tablet or phone may not be adequate for all assignments and tests. Information about Canvas and Online Education Orientation can be found in Canvas on the Student Resources page: https://deanza.instructure.com/courses/3382. The Student Online Resources hub with extensive information and tips can be found at deanza.edu/online-ed/students/remotelearning.
·T·R··· 06:00 PM-10:15 PM Gerilowie Escalona E12F LQ
28140 APRN 63A 61 Open Advanced Manual Drive Train
APRN-63A-61: Fully ON CAMPUS. This course is only for employees of new car dealerships from the Local 1101 Union or from the City of San Jose and meets each week on scheduled days and times as noted in the class listing. Students must have access to a computer, the internet and an individual email address. Most De Anza classes will use the Canvas course management system. We recommend a laptop or desktop computer to successfully complete the course; a tablet or phone may not be adequate for all assignments and tests. Information about Canvas and Online Education Orientation can be found in Canvas on the Student Resources page: https://deanza.instructure.com/courses/3382. The Student Online Resources hub with extensive information and tips can be found at deanza.edu/online-ed/students/remotelearning.
·T·R··· 06:00 PM-10:15 PM Brett Johnson E12C
00213 AUTO 50A 01 WL Introduction to Automotive Principles
AUTO-50A-01: Recommended: Take both 50A and 50B in the same term. Fully ON-CAMPUS. This class meets each week on scheduled days and times as noted in the class listing.
M·W···· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Bill Wishart E12A
00214 AUTO 50A 02 Open Introduction to Automotive Principles
AUTO-50A-02: Recommended: Take both 50A and 50B in the same term. Fully ON-CAMPUS. This class meets each week on scheduled days and times as noted in the class listing.
·T·R··· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Bill Wishart E12A
00215 AUTO 50A 61 Open Introduction to Automotive Principles
AUTO-050A-61: Recommended: Take both 50A and 50B in the same term. Fully ON-CAMPUS. This class meets each week on scheduled days and times as noted in the class listing.
·T····· 06:00 PM-09:50 PM Bill Wishart E12A
26503 AUTO 50A 62 WL Introduction to Automotive Principles
AUTO-050A-62: Recommended: Take both AUTO 050A and AUTO 050B in the same term. This course is fully ON-CAMPUS, and meets during regularly scheduled times as listed in the course listing.
··W···· 06:00 PM-09:50 PM Bill Wishart E12A
23979 AUTO 50B 01 WL Applied Automotive Principles
AUTO-50B-01:Recommended: Take both 50A and 50B in the same term. Fully ON-CAMPUS. This class meets each week on scheduled days and times as noted in the class listing.
M······ 12:30 PM-01:45 PM Bill Wishart E12A
LAB M······ 02:00 PM-04:15 PM
26512 AUTO 50B 02 WL Applied Automotive Principles
AUTO-050B-02: Recommended: Take both 50A and 50B in the same term. Fully ON-CAMPUS. This class meets each week on scheduled days and times as noted in the class listing.
·T····· 12:30 PM-01:45 PM Ivan Kojnok E12A
LAB ·T····· 02:00 PM-04:15 PM
23983 AUTO 50B 61 WL Applied Automotive Principles
AUTO-050B-61: Recommended: Take both 50A and 50B in the same term. Fully ON-CAMPUS. This class meets each week on scheduled days and times as noted in the class listing.
M······ 06:00 PM-07:15 PM Bill Wishart E12A
LAB M······ 07:30 PM-09:45 PM
23982 AUTO 50B 62 WL Applied Automotive Principles
AUTO-050B-62: Recommended: Take both 50A and 50B in the same term. Fully ON-CAMPUS. This class meets each week on scheduled days and times as noted in the class listing.
···R··· 06:00 PM-07:15 PM Travis Loiacono E12A
LAB ···R··· 07:30 PM-09:45 PM
26472 AUTO 57A 55Z WL Career Research and Employment in the Automotive Industry
AUTO-057A-55Z: This class does not have scheduled meetings. Students can log in anytime to do the required weekly course work. Students must have access to a computer, the internet and an individual email address. We recommend a laptop or desktop computer to successfully complete the course: a tablet or phone may not be adequate for all assignments and tests. Most De Anza Classes will use the Canvas course management system. Information about Canvas and Online Education Orientation can be found in Canvas on the Student Resources page: https://deanza.instructure.com/courses/3382. The Student Online Resources hub with extensive information and tips can be found at deanza.edu/online-ed/students/remotelearning
······· TBA-TBA Brett Johnson ONLINE OL
00221 AUTO 60 61 WL Automotive Electrical Systems
AUTO-060.-61: Fully ON-CAMPUS. This class meets each week on scheduled days and times as noted in the class listing.
M·W···· 06:00 PM-10:15 PM Ivan Kojnok E12B
26843 AUTO 60 62 WL Automotive Electrical Systems
AUTO-060.-62: Fully ON-CAMPUS. This class meets each week on scheduled days and times as noted in the class listing.
·T·R··· 06:00 PM-10:15 PM Ivan Kojnok E12B
00222 AUTO 60A 95 WL Electrical Schematic Diagnosis
AUTO-060A-95: Meets six weeks beginning September 23rd. Be sure to register for both first six-week and second six-week courses at the same time. Fully ON-CAMPUS. This class meets each week on scheduled days and times as noted in the class listing.
M·W···· 06:00 PM-10:15 PM Gerilowie Escalona E12F
00223 AUTO 60B 96 WL Automotive Electronics
AUTO-060B-96: Meets six weeks beginning November 4th. Be sure to register for both first six-week and second six-week courses at the same time. Fully ON-CAMPUS. This class meets each week on scheduled days and times as noted in the class listing.
M·W···· 06:00 PM-10:15 PM Gerilowie Escalona E12F LQ
25331 AUTO 60F 95 WL No-Start Diagnosis
AUTO-060F-95: Meets six weeks beginning September 24th. Be sure to register for both first six-week and second six-week courses at the same time. Fully ON-CAMPUS. This class meets each week on scheduled days and times as noted in the class listing.
·T·R··· 06:00 PM-10:15 PM Gerilowie Escalona E12F
25336 AUTO 60G 96 WL Advanced Scan Tool Diagnosis
AUTO-060G-96: Meets six weeks beginning November 5th. Be sure to register for both first six-week and second six-week courses at the same time. Fully ON-CAMPUS. This class meets each week on scheduled days and times as noted in the class listing.
·T·R··· 06:00 PM-10:15 PM Gerilowie Escalona E12F LQ
26476 AUTO 61A 95 WL Automotive Brake Systems
AUTO-061A-95: Meets six weeks beginning September 23rd. Be sure to register for both first six-week and second six-week courses at the same time. Fully ON-CAMPUS. This class meets each week on scheduled days and times as noted in the class listing.
M·W···· 06:00 PM-10:15 PM Michael Rodemeyer E12C
26477 AUTO 61B 96 WL Electronically Controlled Brake Systems
AUTO-061B-96: Meets six weeks beginning November 4th. Be sure to register for both first six-week and second six-week courses at the same time. Fully ON-CAMPUS. This class meets each week on scheduled days and times as noted in the class listing.
M·W···· 06:00 PM-10:15 PM Michael Rodemeyer E12C LQ
28139 AUTO 63A 61 WL Advanced Manual Drive Train
AUTO-063.-61: Fully ON-CAMPUS. This class meets each week on scheduled days and times as noted in the class listing.
·T·R··· 06:00 PM-10:15 PM Brett Johnson E12C
23611 AUTO 91A 55 Full Automotive Brakes
AUTO-091A-55: Meets fully ON-Campus. This class meets on campus as noted in the class listing. Course sequence contract required prior to attendance.
MT····· 07:30 AM-09:20 AM James Tallent E12C
LAB MT····· 09:30 AM-12:20 PM
23879 AUTO 92A 55 Full Automotive Steering and Suspension
AUTO-092A-55: Meets fully ON-Campus. This class meets on campus as noted in the class listing. Course sequence contract required prior to attendance.
··WR··· 07:30 AM-09:20 AM James Tallent E12C
LAB ··WR··· 09:30 AM-12:20 PM
23612 AUTO 94A 55 Full Principles of Four Stroke Cycle Gas and Diesel Engines
AUTO-094A-55: Meets fully ON-Campus. This class meets on campus as noted in the class listing. Course sequence contract required prior to attendance.
·TWRF·· 07:30 AM-09:20 AM Brett Johnson E12B
LAB ·TWRF·· 09:30 AM-12:20 PM
23613 AUTO 94B 55 Full Automotive Machining and Engine Service
AUTO-094B-55: Meets fully ON-Campus. This class meets on campus as noted in the class listing. Course sequence contract required prior to attendance.
·TWRF·· 07:30 AM-09:20 AM Brett Johnson E12B LQ
LAB ·TWRF·· 09:30 AM-12:20 PM
23791 AUTO 99A 55 Full Automotive Electricity, Battery and Cranking Systems
AUTO-099A-55: Meets fully ON-Campus. This class meets on campus as noted in the class listing. Course sequence contract required prior to attendance.
MTWRF·· 07:30 AM-08:50 AM Pete Vernazza E12F
LAB MTWRF·· 09:00 AM-12:20 PM
23796 AUTO 99B 55 Full Automotive Charging, Ignition and Accessory Systems
AUTO-099B-55: Meets fully ON-Campus. This class meets on campus as noted in the class listing. Course sequence contract required prior to attendance.
MTWRF·· 07:30 AM-08:50 AM Pete Vernazza E12F LQ
LAB MTWRF·· 09:00 AM-12:20 PM
25776 AUTO 350A 01 WL Introduction to Automotive Principles
AUTO-350A-01: This class mirrors the for-credit class of the same number (350A mirrors 50A), so the course description is the same. Meets fully ON-Campus. This class meets on campus as noted in the class listing. Recommended to take both 350A and 350B in the same quarter.
M·W···· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Bill Wishart E12A
25786 AUTO 350A 02 WL Introduction to Automotive Principles
AUTO-350A-02: This class mirrors the for-credit class of the same number (350A mirrors 50A), so the course description is the same. Meets fully ON-Campus. This class meets on campus as noted in the class listing. Recommended to take both 350A and 350B in the same quarter.
·T·R··· 10:30 AM-12:20 PM Bill Wishart E12A
24961 AUTO 350A 61 Open Introduction to Automotive Principles
AUTO-350A-61: This class mirrors the for-credit class of the same number (350A mirrors 50A), so the course description is the same. Meets fully ON-Campus. This class meets on campus as noted in the class listing. Recommended to take both 350A and 350B in the same quarter.
·T····· 06:00 PM-09:50 PM Bill Wishart E12A
26504 AUTO 350A 62 WL Introduction to Automotive Principles
AUTO-350A-62: This class mirrors the for-credit class of the same number (350A mirrors 50A), so the course description is the same. Meets fully ON-Campus. This class meets on campus as noted in the class listing. Recommended to take both 350A and 350B in the same quarter.
··W···· 06:00 PM-09:50 PM Bill Wishart E12A
26021 AUTO 350B 01 WL Applied Automotive Principles
AUTO-350B-01: This class mirrors the for-credit class of the same number (350B mirrors 50B), so the course description is the same. Meets fully ON-Campus. This class meets on campus as noted in the class listing. Recommended to take both 350A and 350B in the same quarter.
M······ 12:30 PM-01:45 PM Bill Wishart E12A
LAB M······ 02:00 PM-04:15 PM
26510 AUTO 350B 02 WL Applied Automotive Principles
AUTO-350B-02: This class mirrors the for-credit class of the same number (350B mirrors 50B), so the course description is the same. Meets fully ON-Campus. This class meets on campus as noted in the class listing. Recommended to take both 350A and 350B in the same quarter.
·T····· 12:30 PM-01:45 PM Ivan Kojnok E12A
LAB ·T····· 02:00 PM-04:15 PM
24962 AUTO 350B 61 WL Applied Automotive Principles
AUTO-350B.61:This class mirrors the for-credit class of the same number (350B mirrors 50B), so the course description is the same. Meets fully ON-Campus. This class meets on campus as noted in the class listing. Recommended to take both 350A and 350B in the same quarter.
M······ 06:00 PM-07:15 PM Bill Wishart E12A
LAB M······ 07:30 PM-09:45 PM
25538 AUTO 350B 62 WL Applied Automotive Principles
AUTO-350B-62: This class mirrors the for-credit class of the same number (350B mirrors 50B), so the course description is the same. Meets fully ON-Campus. This class meets on campus as noted in the class listing. Recommended to take both 350A and 350B in the same quarter.
···R··· 06:00 PM-07:15 PM Travis Loiacono E12A
LAB ···R··· 07:30 PM-09:45 PM
24963 AUTO 360 61 WL Automotive Electrical Systems
AUTO-360.61: This class mirrors the for-credit class of the same number (360 mirrors 60), so the course description is the same. Meets fully ON-Campus. This class meets on campus as noted in the class listing.
M·W···· 06:00 PM-10:15 PM Ivan Kojnok E12B
26845 AUTO 360 62 Open Automotive Electrical Systems
AUTO-360.62: This class mirrors the for-credit class of the same number (360 mirrors 60), so the course description is the same. Meets fully ON-Campus. This class meets on campus as noted in the class listing.
·T·R··· 06:00 PM-10:15 PM Ivan Kojnok E12B
25770 AUTO 360A 95 WL Electrical Schematic Diagnosis
AUTO-360A-95: This class mirrors the for-credit class of the same number (360A mirrors 60A), so the course description is the same. Meets fully ON-Campus. This class meets on campus for six weeks beginning September 23rd, as noted in the class listing. Recommended to take both 360A and 360B in the same quarter.
M·W···· 06:00 PM-10:15 PM Gerilowie Escalona E12F
25771 AUTO 360B 96 WL Automotive Electronics
AUTO-360B-96: This class mirrors the for-credit class of the same number (360B mirrors 60B), so the course description is the same. Meets fully ON-Campus. This class meets on campus for six weeks beginning Nov 5th as noted in the class listing. Recommended to take both 360A and 360B in the same quarter.
M·W···· 06:00 PM-10:15 PM Gerilowie Escalona E12F LQ
25768 AUTO 360F 95 Full No-Start Diagnosis
AUTO-060F-95: This class mirrors the for-credit class of the same number (360F mirrors 60F), so the course description is the same. Meets fully ON-Campus. This class meets on campus for 6 weeks beginning Sept 24th. Recommended to take both 360F and 360G in the same quarter.
·T·R··· 06:00 PM-10:15 PM Gerilowie Escalona E12F
25769 AUTO 360G 96 Full Advanced Scan Tool Diagnosis
AUTO-360G-96: This class mirrors the for-credit class of the same number (360G mirrors 60G), so the course description is the same. Meets fully ON-Campus. This class meets on campus for 6 weeks beginning Nov 7th. Recommended to take both 360F and 360G in the same quarter.
·T·R··· 06:00 PM-10:15 PM Gerilowie Escalona E12F LQ
26470 AUTO 361A 95 WL Automotive Brake Systems
AUTO-361A-95: This class mirrors the for-credit class of the same number (361A mirrors 61A), so the course description is the same. Meets fully ON-Campus. This class meets on campus for 6 weeks beginning September 23rd. Recommended to take both 361A and 361B in the same quarter.
M·W···· 06:00 PM-10:15 PM Michael Rodemeyer E12C
26469 AUTO 361B 96 WL Electronically Controlled Brake Systems
AUTO-361B-96: This class mirrors the for-credit class of the same number (361B mirrors 61B), so the course description is the same. Meets fully ON-Campus. This class meets on campus for 6 weeks beginning Nov 4th. Recommended to take both 361A and 361B in the same quarter.
M·W···· 06:00 PM-10:15 PM Michael Rodemeyer E12C LQ
28187 AUTO 363A 61 Full Advanced Manual Drive Train
AUTO-363A-61: 1. This class mirrors the for-credit class of the same number (363A mirrors 63A), so the course description is the same. 2. Non-credit courses are intended for students who want to gain general knowledge, learn a new skill, upgrade existing skills, or enrich their understanding of a wide range of topics. 3. Non-credit courses cannot be used to earn an associate degree nor any college transcriptable certificates. They can, however, be used to earn non-transcriptable vocational certificates. 4. This is a 12-week class, meeting fully ON-CAMPUS as noted in the course listing.
·T·R··· 06:00 PM-10:15 PM Brett Johnson E12C
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