Planetarium Shows

Below is a list of planetarium shows available for your virtual school field trip.

Kinder - 2nd Grade

Patterns in the Sky

We all know the Sun moves in the sky. Is there a pattern to that motion? Observe and learn about the day to day (and night to night!) motions of the Sun, stars, and more. We use our virtual planetarium as a time machine to discover these patterns and to make predictions.

 3rd - 5th Grade

Celestial Cycles - Stars and Seasons

Humans have been tracking the motions of celestial bodies for thousands of years. What patterns emerge from these motions? In our virtual planetarium, observe the cycles of the Sun, Moon, and stars to learn how they work and to make predictions about their motion.

3rd - 6th Grade

Climate: The Long Cycle - Weather and Climate

We are surrounded by cycles every day. The Sun and stars move in a regular pattern. But some cycles are longer, and more chaotic. Climate can be considered average weather over long periods of time, and climate is changing globally. What can hurricanes teach us about climate, and what does the future hold?

 6th - 8th Grade

 Dance of the Solar System - Celestial Motion

Everything in space moves, and these multiple motions combine into a celestial dance. Some moves are simple, some are complex. Observing these motions is the key to unlocking the secrets of moon phases, eclipses, and seasonal changes in the positions of the Sun and the stars.

The Gravity of the Cosmos - Solar System, Milky Way and Gravity

The Solar System is more than just the Sun and the planets. It includes a plethora of objects, but their motions are all ruled by gravity. An understanding of gravity explains the birth of the Solar System, the orbits of the planets, and even the structures of galaxies. Explore the Solar System and more in an real-time simulation, piloted by an expert presenter.

 General K - 8th Grade

 The Moon and Stars

On clear nights, many people enjoy looking at the Moon and finding constellations. The Moon is unique in that it changes its appearance and position everyday. The stars vary less day to day, but do follow seasonal patterns. Observe the Moon and the stars in our virtual time machine planetarium. Learn to predict Moon phases and how to find constellations in the real sky.

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