College Wins Sustainability Award
[Posted on April 16, 2019]
- De Anza will be honored by the city of Cupertino on May 30
- You can "get on board" by carpooling, bicycling or riding mass transit next Thursday, April 25
De Anza College has been named a 2019 Sustainability Champion in recognition of the college’s extensive efforts to conserve natural resources, reduce waste and prevent pollution.
The award is part of Cupertino’s annual CREST program, which honors outstanding contributions by individuals and organizations in Cupertino. CREST stands for “Cupertino Recognizes Extra Steps Taken.”
De Anza’s award follows its 2016 designation as the first community college to be named a Bay Area Green Business, in recognition of college sustainability initiatives.
The latest award recognizes De Anza’s continuing sustainability efforts, including
- Using biodegradable products in the Campus Center Food Court
- Spreading compost instead of chemical fertilizers on athletic fields
- Saving water with low-flow showers and irrigation controls
- Landscaping with native and drought-tolerant plantings
- Maintaining water-bottle filling stations to reduce plastic bottle use
- Using restroom paper supplies with recycled content
- Drawing energy from solar panels and cogeneration microturbines
- Saving energy with LED lighting and sensors that turn off lights in empty rooms
Foothill-De Anza district trustee Patrick Ahrens and Assemblymember Evan Low nominated De Anza for the latest award, which will be formally presented on May 30 at Cupertino Community Hall.
Get on Board Next Thursday, April 25
You can do your part for sustainability before then, by carpooling, bicycling or taking mass transit to class or work next Thursday, April 25, as part of a nationwide campaign called "Get on Board Day.”
De Anza has pledged that students, faculty and staff will reduce solo driving by at
least 5 percent that day, in support of efforts to promote public transit and other eco-friendly modes of transportation.
As part of the campaign, the college logo will be displayed on a special VTA bus ad, along with other participating organizations, as shown in this demonstration image (below).