Meeting Notes - February 18, 2009
1. Approval of notes from November 5, 2008.
The notes were approved.
Dolen reminded the team that Hawk had left and that Jeanpierre was the interim VP for Educational Resources and College Operations. After a brief review and discussion of the co-chair topic the team approved Jeanpierre as the co-chair.
2. Technology Task Force Meeting Schedule
After a discussion which included references to the amount of time Educational Information System (EIS - Banner), the budget crisis & Measure C projects were taking up, the team agreed to reschedule the meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 2:30-4:00.
3. Wireless Update
Luciw announced that the wireless network was running in Visual Performing Arts Center (VPAC). She also asked TTF to confirm the prioritization of the De Anza wireless roll-out. She reviewed the spreadsheet with the group and in the discussion Jeanpierre advised that the Deans had worked on this project and she would bring their recommendation back to TTF for review and approval. During the discussion Luciw clarified which buildings needed to be prioritized. She updated the prioritization shreadsheet to only show these buildings and asked for the revised information to be posted on the TTF website.
4. Burning Issues
- Englen would like to bring a tech training agenda item to the team later in the year.
- Kahn asked for feedback on whether to research an e-portfolio system. The team asked the following questions: What is it? Who is going to use it and how? How would we train people on it? Is there value to it?
- Creamer reported that with the adoption of the omni WCMS the web team intended to turn off the old FTP main De Anza server and that he would like to agendize this item for discussion/approval. This would not effect the Manila web sites. Creamer would get a list of departments/officies that are still using FTP sites on the main server.