General Meeting Information

Date: May 2, 2024
Time: 1:30 p.m.
Location: Zoom

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    1:30-1:35 p.m. Welcome and Introductions I/D All
    1:35-1:40 p.m. Approval of Minutes I/D/A


    1:40-2:10 p.m. Fraudulent Enrollment I/D/A
    • Galoyan
    • All
    2:10-2:30 p.m.

    Website Improvements

    • Diaz
    • Harrell
    2:30-2:45 p.m.

    Tech Plan Updates

    I/D All
    2:45-3 p.m.

    Standing Updates

    • Accessibility
    • Banner Student
    • ETS
    • ETS Project Scheduling
    • Online Education Advisory Group


    • All
    • Galoyan
    • Hadsell
    • Grey
    • Nocito

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes [DRAFT]


    Stephanie Anderson, Samuel Bliss, Raymond Brennan, James Capurso, Juan Diaz, Nazy Galoyan, David Garrido, Alex Harrell, Sridevi Lakshmanan, Kevin Metcalf, Gabriela Nocito, Cheryl Owiesny, Mary Pape (Tri-chair), Dennis Shannakian (Tri-chair), Chien Shih (guest) Chelsey Taniguchi (Notes)

    Welcome and Introductions

    Chun Ho Li is the new student representative. Mary Pape will reach out and meet with the new student representative before the next meeting.

    Approval of Minutes

    The March minutes were approved with minor edits. 

    Website Improvements

    The webpage for Strategic Planning session three was published.  Anyone can now see action plans, add feedback and volunteer to be part of teams. There are 20-30 action plans (Harrell)

    Fraudulent Enrollment

    Administrative Drop (AD) has been added to some names, which means the college dropped the student. Pape adds that it could be helpful to let faculty see the AD label, in addition to department chairs, but faculty can only see if a student was dropped, not if they are specifically AD. Galoyan says faculty might need to go to ETS for that. (Pape and Galoyan)

    The process is if student dropped before the course starts, it is not on roster and hidden from everyone. On the backend, different codes are used for different drops  (Pape and Galoyan)

    Pape noticed that in classes where prerequisites were strictly enforced, instructors were unlikely to get many fraudulent students in that class. She asks what else can faculty do to help prevent fraudulent enrollment? (Pape)

    Galoyan responds that she has worked with the deans to address this. One thing they have noticed is that requiring a special project or an internship for a class can help prevent fraudulent enrollment. Adding more restrictions for a class, where possible, can help. (Galoyan)

    Owiesny asks if we know if the fraudulent enrollments are occurring early in the registration process or later (Owiesny). Galoyan responds that fraudulent enrollment happens during all points of the enrollment process, but they will not get priority registration. Parents of minor students used to get priority registration without submitting documents, but now Admissions and Records will require that parents submit proof of parenthood, like a birth certificate, to get priority registration (Galoyan).

    Shannakian adds that fraudulent enrollment impacts students as well by preventing them from enrolling in classes they need because the classes appear full in the schedule. (Shannakian)

    Pape asks if requiring students to respond to emails can help prevent it (Pape). Galoyan responds that unfortunately even fraudulent students can respond to emails, whether through AI or other means (Galoyan). Shannakian adds that this is a statewide issue, but people always find a way to circumvent any new restrictions that come from the state (Shannakian). Owiesny adds that all fake emails sounded the same and had the same grammatical errors (Owiesny).

    Shih agrees that the problem is statewide and nationwide, not exclusively a district issue. ETS has already implemented front end defense mechanisms which students go through. Shih also asks that everyone share any things they notice. Most fraudulent enrollment has mostly been from November 2023 and on. Even the California community college (CCC) system was failing to address this issue. However, we probably get less fraud at De Anza because we have such a robust fraud detection system. Most fraudulent students use real student IDs, addresses and phone numbers purchased from the dark web, so the system can check if the cell phone numbers or address have been used before. The new fraudulent detection system will be ready around the middle to end of May. The new system will be ready for testing hopefully before July 15, which is around the time fall registration starts. (Shih)

    Anderson notes that in asynchronous Communications classes, instructors schedule their first speeches within the first two weeks so that they can see if the students are real. She wonders if the committee could encourage faculty members to have students check-in with them during office hours via zoom (either as an assignment or extra credit) (Anderson). Pape agrees with Anderson that instructors need to have ways to verify students in the first two weeks (Pape).

    Owiesny asks when the system notices fraud (Owiesny). Applications are scanned once they are sent to us from CCC (Shih). Shannakian asks if faculty should have all drop information (Shannakian). Shih responds that he still needs to speak to Admission and Records about this. He thinks it won’t help faculty (Shih). Metcalf agrees that it might not help, so instructors should be proactive in telling ETS when they have more drops than expected (Metcalf).

    Brennan adds that the Foothill College executive council met yesterday about the issue of classes being cancelled or not filled because it takes work away from part-time faculty members (Brennan).

    Shih adds that a task force that includes ETS, the district and both campuses is discussing using multi-factor authentication (MFA). Shih thinks that MFA can help verify students by making them identify themselves by opening a link and responding (Shih). Pape likes this idea because it is equitable since students that don’t reply are not automatically dropped from their classes. They are just flagged for additional screening (Pape).

    Since Title IX training will soon be required for students, Harrell thinks this might be a way to verify students (Harrell). Shannakian adds that student government also requires Title IX training so this could be helpful. He asks if anyone knows when this training for students will be required, but no one has an answer (Shannakian).

    Shih says that everyone should feel free to add him and Galoyan to future meeting where fraudulent enrollment is discussed if someone would like to know more (Shih).

    Technology Plan Updates


    Goal 1: Increase Overall Student Access to Technology for Learning and Services

    Includes but not limited to the provision of laptops for students, and other devices as necessary; software and software as a service (SAAS) as appropriate, both required and that would enhance the student experience; continuous technical improvement of communications resources including the website, app and portal; and classroom equipment to support student learning and engagement in evolving modalities, with classroom needs documented through updated classroom standards, program review and the Facilities Condition Assessment

    • COOL is in place, and it has more of a structure. It will look at online and hybrid forms. It is a subcommittee of Academic Senate. And an online advisory team is being developed, that will go beyond just instructional conversations. (Pape and Nocito)

    Goal 2: Increase and Enhance Faculty and Staff Professional Development and Training

    Includes but not limited to robust training and related communication about the trainings based on faculty and classified professional feedback, including to holistically improve online pedagogy and pedagogy in the use of technology tools, including in evolving modalities and accessibility training

    • Coursework around accessibility is being developed, and multiple workshops are available already. The courses that are being developed could be required later on (Nocito)

    • There has been a series of workshops on AI, hosted by Chesa Caparas (Nocito)

    Goal 3: Continue Work to Ensure Accessibility

    Includes but not limited to implementation of SAAS to support an equitable teaching and learning environment; researching strategies and emerging technologies and implementing as appropriate; ongoing ensuring of accessibility in instructional and communications tools

    • Accessibility is one of the requirement goals for teaching online (Pape)
    • New requirements for RSI and accessibility are great for ensuring access to technology (Nocito)
    • De Anza is working with Academic Senate at both campuses on accessibility (Pape)

    Goal 4: Enhance Communication and Collaboration with ETS to Achieve Evolving Priority College Objectives

    Strategy to include monthly small-group meetings of Tech Committee and ETS leadership, with updates as requested, on college-identified priorities including but not limited to

    • Ubiquitous, functioning Wi-Fi, including on Athletics fields and in parking lots
    • Upgraded technology for employees, including shorter personal technology refresh cycle of three years, as appropriate
    • Improving communication, including of system and software availability and changes
    • Development and support of peripheral loan program to address additional needs, such as doc cams, iPads for whiteboards, etc.
    • College-identified projects that
      • Directly affect student success or the student experience, particularly timely requests via expert administrators
      • Address regulatory issues
    • There is an overarching committee, which will be writing the policy for procedures on privacy and ethical use of AI (Nocito)

    Standing updates


    COOL is now in place and it addreses topics related to accessibility (Lakshmanan)

    Banner Student:

    Fraudulent enrollment is ongoingly being addressed through a collaboration between the academic division and ETS. Galoyan asks everyone to try the new MyPortal (Galoyan)

    ETS Update:

    After October the new MyPortal will become the default, but the classic will still be available (Shih). Shannakian asks if ther is an update on the new ETS ticket system and Metcalf responds that testing is still being done internally in ETS. However, this week or the next ETS will start reaching out to frequent users to test the system. Kace will not be phased out until after spring quarter. (Shannakian and Metcalf)

    Online Education Advisoy Group: 

    The online advisory committee is being developed and will look for representatives from COOL, faculty, staff, administrators, ETS and students. The online advisory team will report to the Technology Committee (Nocito)

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